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Build Numbers

Started by Peter Birney, PB Associates
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Build Numbers

I have installed Version over a version of but the UI and Prism Build Numbers are still - Is there any easy way to tell the difference between the versions?  Or has it not installed successfully? 

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 12/01/18 at 10:25:07 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Build Numbers

Hi Peter.

It is not a rebuild of the core product but a fix to the Windows Resources. We are normally quite liberal with our version numbers but as this is not a recompilation there is no changes to the actual executables and hence not a new version number.

The fix will only make sense if you have the problem. For all other users there is no need to "upgrade". 

If you have this problem you will be immediately aware of it and it will be very easy to judge the difference between and

We could have fixed this problem by simply allowing users to download the affect support file but we chose to include it as default and simply change the install file to identify the difference.

For clients with the problem you can just as easily replace the following file in the Program Catalogue.

Written by DataEase 12/01/18 at 12:21:48 Dataease [{8}]FIVE