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LegEasy4DOS not responding

Started by Dan Clark
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LegEasy4DOS not responding

I'm trying to run LegEasy4DOS for the first time, and right after the installation, I registered as a new user and when I click the login button, the software won't start it says is not responding and I noticed it causes high CPU utilization. I have a computer with an Intel quad core i5 processor. What could be causing the issue?

Written by Dan Clark 07/02/18 at 16:17:08 LegEasy 4DOS

Re:LegEasy4DOS not responding

Hi Dan.

It might be linked to security.

Does it just say not responding and nothing come up.

If you like we can do a TeamViewer session to see if we can find the problem tomorrow.

Sorry for the late reply.

Written by DataEase 08/02/18 at 21:45:49 LegEasy 4DOS