Easy to Create, Easy to Change - Easy to use!



FormReorganize("TableName") retval := FormReorganize("TableName") . FormReorganize("*") -- reorganize all. FormReorganize("") -- Open Reorganize Dialogue

Reorganize means really to structure and update registers. There is two reasons why you want to reorganize a table or all tables.
1. You have a lot of deletions in your tables and you want to compact the tables to save space and increase efficiencies.
2 .DataEase report inconsistency in your data. Inconistency is really when the size of a .DBM (Data file) is not corresponding with the recorded size in RDRR (Registry).


TableName: String

The name of the table you want to reorganize. If you choose none ("") you will get the Reorganize dialogue. 
If you choose "*" you will reorganize all tables.*
* New in DE 8.2





See Also

On the forum about FormReorganize

On the blog about FormReorganize