
Opens the Install dialog, which lets you copy one or more documents from one DataEase application into another. You can also copy one or more DataEase Express for Windows documents into a DataEase application without affecting the source application.


# Install Dialog Options

The Install dialog lets you select the data to install. Choose:

Single Document

to copy an existing DataEase or DataEase Express for Windows document into the current application.

Install From Command File

to run an Installation Command file that installs an entire application or group of documents into the current application at once. The Installation Command file contains a series of special commands that tell DataEase what operations to perform.

NOTE: Only users with a High security level can install data into an application. If you try to import data with an insufficient security level, DataEase displays an error message.

Document File Name (FRM)

displays the complete DOS filename and pathname of the document you want to install. Document files have an .FRM filename extension.

FRM Browse

lets you search for and select the document you want to install.

Table Definition File Name (TDF)

displays the name of the table definition file of the document you want to install. Table definition files have a .TDF filename extension. DataEase automatically fills in this value when you select a document that defines a table. This option is disabled when you install a document that does not define a table such as a menu, procedure, or report.

TDF Browse

lets you search for and select the table definition file of the document you want to install.

Include Data for Table

lets you install the data associated with the form definition and table.

Data File Name (DBM)

displays the data file filename associated with the form and table. Data files have a .DBM filename extension.

DBM Browse

lets you search for and select the data file of the document you want to install.

Log Messages to File

lets you store system messages in an ASCII text file during installations.

Message Log File (LOG)

displays the LOG filename when you check Log Messages to File, and lets you enter a name for a new LOG file.

LOG Browse

lets you search for and select an existing LOG file to display in the Message Log File (LOG) box.

NOTE: If you install a DQL Procedure that uses a Data-entry form, DataEase automatically installs the Data-entry form when it installs the procedure.


Creating An Installation Command File

When you choose Application>>Utilities>>Install, DataEase displays the Install dialog, which lets you install documents using an Installation Command File. The Installation Command file tells DataEase which document(s) to install into the current application. To install documents using the Installation Command File, click the Install From Command File radio button.

You can create an Installation Command file in an ASCII text editor, such as Windows Notepad. To tell DataEase which documents to install in the current application, you type commands in the Installation Command file. These commands include the document filename and the complete DataEase- assigned DOS filename for each document.

DataEase automatically assigns a filename extension to each document depending its type. For example, DataEase assigns the DOS filename extension .FRM to a form definition. Therefore, the DOS filename DataEase assigns to the MEMBERS form in Club ParaDEASE is MEMBERS.FRM. DataEase assigns the filename extension .TDF to tables, .DBM to data files, and .DBI to imports.

You can use any combination of the commands in the table below to create an Installation Command file in an ASCII text editor. The Installation Command file you create can contain as many commands as you require. A command can occupy more than one line, and a line can contain more than one command. After you complete the Installation Command file, save it with the filename extension .DIW.

You can use any combination of the commands in the following table to create an Installation Command File.

Installation Command File Commands


Enter this command in the file...


Install a document that uses a table

install <document name> from: <DOS filename.FRM>

install MEMBERS from: MEMBCAAA.FRM ;

Install a document that defines a table

install <document name> from: <DOS filename.FRM> table: <dos filename.TDF> ;


Install a document that defines a table and the data associated with the table

install <document name> from: <DOS filename.FRM> table: <DOS filename.TDF data: <DOS filename.DBM> ;


Install additional data, such as Relationships, User data, and Custom Functions

install <system filename> from: <DOS filename.DBM> ;

install Relationships from: RELACAAA.DBM ;

Replace a document in the current application with a new version.

Replace <document name> from: <DOS filename.FRM> ;

replace MEMBERS from: MEMBCAAA.FRM ;

Note: The .FRM file in the replace statement must have the same filename as the .FRM file that you want to replace (with the exception of the fifth letter in the filename).

Replace a document and table in the current application with a new version.

Replace <document name> from: <DOS filename.FRM> table: <DOSfilename.TDF> ;


Replace a document, table and data in the current application with a new version.

Replace <document name> from: <DOS filename.FRM> table <DOS filename.TDF> data: <DOS filename.DBM> ;


Replace data, such as Relationships, User data, and Custom Functions in the current application

replace <table name> data: <DOS filename.DBM> ;


Note: The .DBM file in the replace statement must have the same filename as the .DBM file that you want to replace.

Add remarks to a command file

REM <enter any text here>

REM This Installation Command File
REM installs the MEMBERS form into
REM the current application.


How to Install a Single Document

  1. Choose Application>>Utilities>>Install.

  2. Choose the install type option, Single Document.

  3. Click the FRM Browse button. DataEase displays the Document File dialog, which lets you search for the document you want to install.

  4. DataEase also lets you manually enter the filename and pathname in the Document File Name (FRM) box.

  5. In the Document File dialog, select the file you want to install and click OK. DataEase enters the document name in the Document File Name (.FRM) text box. If the form defines a table, DataEase enters the table name in the Table Definition File Name (.TDF) text box.

  6. To include data files with the form and table, check Include Data for Table. DataEase automatically displays the data file name in the Data File Name (.DBM) text box.

  7. To store the system messages in a file, check Log Messages to File.

  8. Click OK. DataEase installs the selected document and displays the Install Finished dialog. Click Yes to view the Log file, or click No to close the dialog.


How to Create and Run an Installation Command File

  1. Open an ASCII text editor, such as Windows Notepad.

  2. Enter the commands you require for the installation. Refer to the Installation Command File commands table shown earlier in this chapter.

  3. Save the file in the ASCII text editor with the filename extension .DIW.

  4. To execute the file in DataEase, choose Application>>Utilities>>Install. DataEase displays the Install dialog.

  5. Choose the install type Install From Command File. DataEase displays the Command File Name (DIW) text box and the DIW Browse button.

  6. Click the DIW Browse button. DataEase displays the Script File dialog which lets you search for and select the Installation Command file you want to install.

  7. Select the Installation Command filename and click OK.

  8. DataEase also lets you enter the command filename and pathname manually in the Command File Name (DIW) text box.

  9. To store system messages in a file, check Log Messages to File.

  10. Click OK in the Install dialog. DataEase installs and/or updates the documents specified in the command file.

NOTE: As you create the Installation Command file, be sure to insert a space after each colon and before each semicolon.