New function in 8 - MemoWriteToFile() - Write the content of a memo to a text file (Ver. 8.0.01053)
This function is part of a pair, where the opposite is MemoReadFromFile.
It is implemented to allow users to export the content of a memo to a text file.
So why would we want to do that?
With the new Memo manipulation class, memos can be manipulated in any way one like, they are containers for export data, import data, documents, webpages etc etc.
Wouldn't it be neat if one could save or share the content of these fields with oneself or the rest of the world? It is not so easy to send a memo field to someone, but we can all attach a field as a document.
One test users actually created a full website in a DataEase 8 application, and then export all the dynamically generated pages to a webserver with MemoWriteToFile once a day...
The neat thing with MemoWriteToFile is that it is not limited to writing to a file, it can also append to a file, overwrite a file or simply delete a file.
int MemoWriteToFile(MemoToWrite,Filename,Mode)
Mode: 0=Append 1=Overwrite 2=Delete
Again....use your imagination!