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New Function in 8 - MemoReadFromFile() - Read the content of a text file to a Memo (Ver.

Started by DataEase
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New Function in 8 - MemoReadFromFile() - Read the content of a text file to a Memo (Ver.

This is the complimentary function to MemoWriteToFile, and it simply read the content of a File into a Memo field.

It reads it as Text. If you read an HTML file, it will display as HTML code in a normal Memo Editbox field, and as the Webpage in a WebField.

MemoReadFromFile has the same switches and formating as MemoWriteTo file.

int MemoReadFromFile(MemoToReadInto,Filename,Argument)

Argument: 0 - Append to Memo. 1 - Overwrite Memo

Written by DataEase 13/03/12 at 09:54:46 Dataease [{8}]FIVE