Simplicty and flexibility!

DataEase 8 - Change of functionality: Default in editors/fields is now Insert instead of Overwrite (Ver.

Started by DataEase
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DataEase 8 - Change of functionality: Default in editors/fields is now Insert instead of Overwrite (Ver.

Overwrite was chosen in DataEase for Windows together with a lot of keyboard short-cuts to keep DFW compatible with DFD. In 2013 I think we can safely say that that should not be the reason for anything.

The short-cuts have been changed over the years to make it more in line with Windows, but the odd Overwrite in editors and fields have been kept. Why is a mystery, but there is a lot of evidence that it has been partially changed/fixed/adapted. The problem has been that INS/Overwrite should be toggled by the Insert button and then kept for the session, but for some reason the programmers have hard coded this toggle somewhere and it didn't help that it is read by all sessions of DFW even the ones that don't have focus, so if you change it to INS in one DataEase it toggles back to Overwrite in another if it was on INS.

Now we simply default to INS everywhere all the time. The modern way of doing overwrite is to mark the text you want to replace and start typing. This is in every Windows/Web users fingers and it is high time that DataEase comply.

Please let us know if you find anywhere in the product where it still defaults to Overwrite so we can fix it.

Written by DataEase 27/03/13 at 09:10:38 Dataease [{8}]FIVE