Functionalty Fix in DataEase 8 - Buttons updated and fixeds so resizing and label fit (Ver.
Started by DataEase
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Functionalty Fix in DataEase 8 - Buttons updated and fixeds so resizing and label fit (Ver.
Strangely the buttons in DataEase for WIndows have lived their own lives. You work hard to get the label in the right place and then the next time you open the app, they have moved up or down, only half the label is visible etc...
Whatever you do, you can't seem to be able to get it just right, and if you do, DFW manage to mess it up again at a later stage.
Here is a good example. As you can see the text on the small buttons have moved down and only half is visible. In Design Time it looks ok, but when you switch to Runtime it all goes haywire... We have all been there...Frustration!
This has now been fixed and what you see in DT is how it will look in RT. It might look like a small thing, but it was a big fix (it was a mess) so there might be some backwards compatibility issues.
If your buttons don't look right when you open them up in 8, just edit them and save and they will be right as rain from now on.
Written by DataEase 18/06/13 at 22:43:32Dataease [{8}]FIVE