DO NOT USE! SetGlobal()+GetGlobal(). (Will be renamed to SetVar()+GetVar())
Started by DataEase
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DO NOT USE! SetGlobal()+GetGlobal(). (Will be renamed to SetVar()+GetVar())
We admit that we mad a bad judgement call when we named our new Global Variable functions SetGlobal() and GetGlobal()
There is a CDF with the same functions that has been widely used for years, and migration old apps will then have problems.
Even though CDFs is not approved functions, our job is to make software that helps our customers/not cause problems so we have decided to rename these functions now when it is still possible.
So If you are using these functions already (our version of them) already, please don't upgrade your DataEase 8 beyond whithout checking your apps over.
Again sorry for this, but we feel that this is the right time to do this change before to many new customers start upgrading to DE8.
Written by DataEase 02/08/13 at 11:35:53Dataease [{8}]FIVE
Re:DO NOT USE! SetGlobal() GetGlobal(). (Will be renamed to SetVar() GetVar())
Can't you remove this in DE8 Native ?
Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 14/08/13 at 21:03:12Dataease [{8}]FIVE