DataEase - AutoLogin keyword added to DataEase.ini to enable/disable automatic login in Application
In 8.5 we have changed the default behaviour so you will log in directly in DataEase 8.5 Developer if you have an application with a blank/blank user.
At the same time when you create a new applicaiton you will not be asked to add a username/password and a user of blank/blank will be added automatically.
This is so you can start to develop and keep developing without having to key in username/password all the time.
When you have finished your development and want to deploy the application you can simply remove the blank/blank user and normal login behaviour will resume.
For some reasons you might want to keep the blank/blank user but still want normal login behaviour.
For this we have added the keyword AUTOLOGIN in DataEase.ini and RDRRxAAA.INI
AutoLogin=0 -- default and will enable autologin. change to 1 if you want normal login behaviour.
You find RDRRxAAA.INI in your application catalogue (normally RDRRAAAA.INI.
DataEase.ini was moved from the program catalogue to AppData in 8.5.0 to comply with MS security regulations.
You will find it in.
%LOCALAPPDATA%\DataEase\DataEase 8.5
If you go to DOS (command window) and type
ECHO %LOCALAPPDATA% it will return your local appdata catalogue.
It will typically be.