DataEase - Variable Subforms added - Change the number of rows in a Subform in Realtime.
The old and trusted subform has been unchanged for a long time and as much as it is loved it has its problems.
One of them is that you have to guesstimate the content of it and then you will have to add the number of rows you want the user to see.
If you use less it just there like a big "eye sore" and if you use more you have to keep on scrolling etc.
A trick we employed early in the 8.x development was to configure the subform to max (99) or at least much more than we needed and then hid unused rows with SetState().
However... wouldn't it be better if you could simply resize it to the number of rows you actually want to display.
The new SetCurrent("RecordsInForm","SubFormName",RowsToDisplay) will allow you to exactly that.
It will also dynamically resize both the subform and the main record/form it is displayed on.
Have a go.