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DataEase - DeletRecords updated with Options to allow specific deleting without dialogue.

Started by DataEase
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DataEase - DeletRecords updated with Options to allow specific deleting without dialogue.

It is almost crazy that this feature took so long to join our function library.

Nothing has been as annoying as deleting records in DFW.

Personally I have been using ExecDQL("delete records in mytablw with ID=data-entry field1 .",ID) simply to not have to get that stupid dialogue.

A lot of you have asked why you can't just hit delete and then it will delete the record rather than getting this complex dialogue every time.

Now you can!

Simply add one of the following keywoards to the RecordDelete() function.

All: delete the entire record with all subforms and nested subforms.

MainForm: Delete the mainform record only.
SubForm: Delete the active Subform Row/Record only.
SubFormS : Delete the active Subform and all nested subforms .


Written by DataEase 16/07/16 at 06:27:35 Dataease [{8}]FIVE