DataEase - Command to create shortcuts and pin/unpin them to Taskbar, Start Menu, Desktop added to DEOS
We made a pledge when we started redeveloping DataEase that we would use DataEase for everything including making DataEase in it.
And we have stood by it. Where previous owners have used DataEase very little with the excuse that it didn't meet their needs, we took the view that if it doesn't meet our needs how can we expect it to meet our clients needs?
With the start of DE8 development we decided to take DataEase apart and make all the features we use to make it available to all of you as well.
LegEasy4DOS is 100% DataEase and it span all versions of DataEase from DFD via DFW to DG3 in one product!
But... obviously we discovered shortcomings in the product as we used it (as you might have done many a time) but we have the luxury of simply adding the features we miss.
Our philosophy is that if we use it enough and for many different areas we will come across the problems before you do and hence we will be able to cover the ground you will have to eventually cover before you get there.
And it seems to work.
It is no secret that we wish to make DataEase much more commercial and we also want YOU to make vertical application for resale in DataEase so we focus a lot on features that will make it easier for you to distribute and maintain your applications.
When we made LegEasy4DOS we decided to address the shortcoming of starting a DataEase Applicationn directly.
The best way of doing this is of course to automatically create a shortcut/link that can be pined to Desktop, StartMenu or Taksbar.
So this is what we have done.
They are included in the DEOS() function library and they are called.
And obviously to be nice.
You find these and all the other DEOS commands here.