DataEase 8.5 - New Function : Alert() - Simple Message function like Message (Command DQL) Ver
Nothing is more useful when you "debug" code than a simple message box that pop up and give you feedback.
In DQL this has been there since forever but in Derivation/ Action etc. there has never been a good option.
There has been a variation of CDFs but the problem with them is that 1) You need to have them installed 2) You need to fill in all the arguments (5). So one can hardly say it is an easy function to use....
The new Alert (we can't use Message as that would conflict with the said CDF) is basically the same as the Message (Command) in DQL.
Alert("MyMessage) or Alert(MyField) or Alert (concat("My Result; ",GetVar("MyVar")) will give you a nice little popup dialog like the one above.
As this is a function you can use it anywhere.
As this is a variable argument function we can disclose that if you add another argument that is the caption.
Alert("Read the Documentation","THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE")