LegEasy4DOS - format of Install files (INSTALL.DIN) in 4.x
install form FORMNAME from: FORMNAME.dba ;
ex : install form CUSTOMERS from: custaaab.dba ;
Now the form/table is installed so the next bit is data.
New Table:
Install form FORMNAME data: FORMNAME.dbm ;
ex. install form CUSTOMERS data: custaaab.dbm ;
These too go together when you install a new form.
If you re replacing and EXISTING form then the format is:
replace form FORMNAME from: FORMNAME.dba ;
ex. replace form CUSTOMERS from: custaaac.dba ;
the existing data will be reorganised and everything will be honkey dorey.
The process for installing/replacing DQL and Reports are the same.
Install procedure PROCEDURENAME from: PROCEDURE.dbr ;
install report REPORTNAME from REPORT.dbr ;
if you want to replace a form/procedure the format is
replace procedure PROCEDURENAME from: PROCEDURE.dbr ;
replace report REPORTNAME from REPORT.dbr ;
We have shown above how you replace a .DBM file but maybe you just want to add data ex. to Relationships or to another support table etc.
You define an import definition (.dbi) inn the donor app, export the data to a file that match the .dbi and then simply include the command
import from IMPORT.dbi ;
import from NewRel.dbi ;
a typical INSTALL.DIN file could look like this.
install form CUSTOMERS from: custaaab.dba ;
install form CUSTOMERS data: custaaab.dbm ;
replace form USERS from useraaac.dba;
Install procedure LISTUSER from: listaaaa.dbr ;
install report ACCOUNTS from accoaaab.dbr
replace procedure NEWUSERS from newuaaa.dbr ;
import from Newrel.dbi ;
Make sure the install.din and the files you want to install is in the same directory (all of them).
Then you open 4.53 and from the Main Menu it is
Then you type in the full path to your DIN file and off you go.
NB! Obviously take a backup first!!!!
PS! If you have problem with finding the correct file names simply list out the Application Status for the different objects.
From Main Menu.
APPLIKASJON STATUS SKILLER: Fortsett prosedyre UT: Avbryt prosedyre PgUp: Tilbake<p>Antall prosedyrer/rapporter: 154 Nr. PROSEDYRE NAVN DISK FIL NAVN FIL STØRR bytes --- -------------------- --------------- --------------- 1. FAKTURERING B:FAKTDAAA.DBR 1093 2. FAKTURA_OPPD_STAT B:FAKTDAAB.DBR 16575 3. FAKTURA_SISTE_NR B:FAKTDAAC.DBR 738 4. ORDREBEKREFTELSE B:ORDRDAAA.DBR 5855 5. HVOR_ER_DU_FREMOVER B:HVORDAAA.DBR 2114 Data-entry skjema B:HVORDAAA.DBF 2247 6. KUNDELISTE B:KUNDDAAA.DBR 2533 Data-entry skjema B:KUNDDAAA.DBF 2105 7. SALGS_STAT B:SALGDAAA.DBR 4837 Data-entry skjema B:SALGDAAA.DBF 2506 8. OBS-KUNDER B:OBSKDAAA.DBR 2392 Data-entry skjema B:OBSKDAAA.DBF 2133 9. KUNDEETIKETTER B:KUNDDAAB.DBR 1488 Data-entry skjema B:KUNDDAAB.DBF 2134 10. SLIPPER_INNSTILLING B:SLIPDAAA.DBR 829 Data-entry skjema B:SLIPDAAA.DBF 1407 11. KUNDELISTE_ALLE B:KUNDDAAC.DBR 2119 Data-entry skjema B:KUNDDAAC.DBF 1969 ESCUT Sh-F9SKRIV B:\ NoOffice 10/08/16 14:35:48 </p>