Move OLD OLD DataEase to another computer
Move OLD OLD DataEase to another computer
I have a client in crisis. He has an old DataEase program from the 90's. Is there anyway to transfer the entire program and data to another computer? Of course, he doesn't have the software. Any help appreciated.
Re:Move OLD OLD DataEase to another computer
More information is required - Is this a DOS version of DataEase (I would assume so)? What Operating System is it running on? Are they intending to move to another computer using the same Operating System or do they want to upgrade to a computer with a later Operating System?
Re:Re:Move OLD OLD DataEase to another computer
Thanks for replying Peter. It is a Dos version. It was running on Win95. I loaded DOS 6.22 on a machine hoping to simplify the issue. I have the program starting now, but it produces the following error. DataEase Internal Errorr at 220:7C1 I think its a database error. Can you clue me in?
Thanks, Doug