How to check 'password' and make sure it can't be seen.
How to check 'password' and make sure it can't be seen.
I need some help please , I want a Cashier to approve a surplus/shortage with their password, but I need the password to hide after it was entered or while they are entering .
Then I need to check that the password is valid.
I thought of using SetState , and it works and hides the password entered , but then it does not check that the password is correct , as of the password was not entered
Please help me
Re:How to check 'password' and make sure it can't be seen.
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Please find enclosed simple sample that show you you can use different SetClass() functions like SetLabelText(). SetStyle(), SetFocus() etc. to achieve your goal...
We use white on white to hide the input in the field and then we have a virtual field (hidden in manip with SetState) that look up the value from My Users and another virtual field that check and enable/disable the login button etc. It also use SetFocus() to set focus to the login button, and use SetLabelText() to change the text on the button and the message label etc.
In LE9/DE9 you could have done all this quite a lot more elegant but hey ho ;-) This is not that bad...