LE9 copy special
Does anyone else have an issue with 'Copy Special' ?
'Current' will only return the last field value for the current record selected to clipboard.
'Range' and 'All' options only return the last field value for the last record in the set of selected records
Yes, this seems to be a bug. Opbviously not a very a serious one as it has not been reported before. We have put it on the cleanup list.
This is all "outdated" stuff that will not move forward with us, but still if its there it should work.
What do you use it for? I'm 99% sure there is a better way to accomplish the same.
Thank you.
It would be good if this continues to be an option going forward.
It's one of those standard convenience features that DE has always had that allows it to still stand out from the crowd.
Easy to be able to query records, choose the fields and export to clipboard for easy copy to excel or whatever.
It can also be used to easily copy multiple records to other tables with corresponding field names.
Just one of many things that put the 'Ease' in DataEase
thx to all. may be this data ease feature will help using external browser with chatgpt instead of that one inside of LE9 ..
Ihor... I can't for the life of me see how Copy Special can help in any way with this.... ;-)
He,he! 10 point for positive attitude ;-)
We will obviously fix it and most likely its just a switch case gone wrong completely unrelated to this.
The journey through DE8 was very much about moving away from the "crazy" windows ideas of early 1990s.
I think I have to initially disagree with you when this and many of the other DFW features is what put the Ease into DataEase but in hindsight, I might agree and that is what should have worried us all back then.
DFW was never that easy, and even the easy bits where always a bit awkward like this. It always felt like it had a wooden and rigid approach while it's predecessor was light-footed and cooperative.
You might not see it fully yet, but LE9 is not DFW but rather DE9 which means full freedom from interface. Based on this discussion we are thinking we should add a wizzard to simply select fields with query and generate a quick table in a service window that can be copied/saved etc.
What is the link between LE9 and ChatGPT? What is it you try to accomplish?
And the bug is already on the operating table so will be fixed this week.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:LE9 copy special
Dear friends! Thx for the solution :) You can't imagine even what is it and that is of a top secret due to the war here in Ukraine. But it works really. For sure no chatgpt in fact. Only LE9 in the case. Glory to all of you dear! for sure we are still waiting for a new release since August, 30 ... take care ASAP
This is fixed in Build #6815 31/10/24 ??
copy&paste works, just downloaded