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Catalogue not shown

Started by Peter Birney, PB Associates
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Catalogue not shown

I have installed the latest version, 6817, downloaded today.

When I run it, it shows the list of databases.  I then select one, enter the name/password and I am presented with a blank screen, with 'Catalog' shown at the top.  If I go to View it shows Catalog as ticked.  If I then untick it and tick it again it still shows the blank screen with 'Catalog' shown at the top.

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 08/11/24 at 09:08:08 LegEasy 9 Developer

Re:Catalogue not shown

This is not related to the latest version.
Is this on all applications, what if you create a new one.

Did this work before you installed the latest version?

Is this a new device?

Written by DataEase 08/11/24 at 10:28:06 LegEasy 9 Developer

Re:Re:Catalogue not shown

I have just re-booted my pc and it now works as expected.

Previously, after I had downloaded the latest version I had gone into two different databases.

In each case, I had only to enter a name but no password.

In each case again, the user was a user with no menu, and I expected the catalogue to be shown as normal.

And in each case, the problem mentioned occurred.

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 08/11/24 at 11:01:35 LegEasy 9 Developer

Re:Re:Re:Catalogue not shown

Download: AfterWindowsUpdate.png

Another Windows update and the same thing occurs.

I am now using Version 6835.

I perform the Windows update, go into LegEasy9, open a database and the same things occurs (See attached .png file).

I go into several different databases, all showing the same display, but then, without me doing anything explicitly, it all starts working again.

You may say "Its just your machine" but the fact that it has happened after two Windows updates is rather strange.

Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 26/01/25 at 16:17:16 LegEasy 9 Developer

Re:Re:Re:Re:Catalogue not shown

Hi all. It is better TO wait for A new RELEASE of DE ... undoubtetly

Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 27/01/25 at 18:23:12 LegEasy 9 Developer

Re:Re:Re:Re:Catalogue not shown

The problem is that the WebView object used in LE9 and many other tools is based on IE11. WebView2 which we use in DE10 is based on edge. 

We have retained the IE11 object in LE9 simply because its much easier to work with for our users that want to develop their own web controls etc.

The problem is that which version of IE to emulate has to be set in Registry which we do when you install LE9. However for some reason and more or less a little randomly WIndows update clear these settings and they have to be reset to make it work correctly as the default for WebView is IE8... which is dark ages.

So the problem is the messy way Microsoft do things to insure compatibility left right and centre.

We are aware that even though this is Microsofts mistake, its our problem so we are working on solutions to fix this but obviously all their brilliant ideas work at cross purposes so to set registry settings you have to run in elevated mode etc etc.

Written by DataEase 27/01/25 at 19:18:06 LegEasy 9 Developer

Re:Catalogue not shown

Download Catalog.html

Some further digging in old documentation we found that there is another way to tell the WebView what emulation you want. Its a Meta data setting in the header.

This will be included in future releases of LE9 but if you have the problem now, you can simply replace your catalog in the DataEase catalogue with the attached file.

If you use your own HTML in service windows, or in webfields and experience the same problem just add this setting to your own HTML

Written by DataEase 27/01/25 at 21:49:08 LegEasy 9 Developer