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Export Group/Count data to text file

Started by Bolt-on-Trailers
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Export Group/Count data to text file

Download: ErrorCheck.JPG

Hi All,

Can I export the Group and Count data to a text file? The following script gives me the error in the attached file. I'm not sure how the script for the required TableView Name (see attached) should appear.

for Applications ;

list records

Key in groups ;

Key : Count .

export to "C:\Users\RainsJC\Desktop\Audits\Keys.txt" .

.form header



Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You


Written by Bolt-on-Trailers 23/01/25 at 17:02:20 LegEasy 8 Developer

Re:Export Group/Count data to text file

Does the DQL have  " .end " in the last line?

Written by Sam 24/01/25 at 00:49:27 LegEasy 8 Developer

Re:Re:Export Group/Count data to text file


Below is the script I have tried. Thank you for responding.

for Applications ;

list records

Key in groups ;

Key : Count .

export to "C:\Users\RainsJC\Desktop\Audits\Keys.txt" .

.form header




Written by Bolt-on-Trailers 24/01/25 at 01:13:04 LegEasy 8 Developer

Re:Re:Re:Export Group/Count data to text file

Doubt it will remove your error but it is convenient to include the column header with delimiter

.form header




Written by Sam 24/01/25 at 05:51:18 LegEasy 8 Developer

Re:Re:Re:Re:Export Group/Count data to text file

undoubtedly new DE will solve the problem NEVERTHELESS

Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 27/01/25 at 18:25:12 LegEasy 8 Developer