Date shown when topic entered 
Could you change this to dd\mm\yyyy...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Alex McCabe 04/09/12 at 01:50:53
Re:Date shown when topic entered 
I thought We had...Server is in America...Will try again!...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 05/09/12 at 16:10:56
Re:Date shown when topic entered 
Fixed. The Deafult setting on the DG3 server was US. The Server itself was configured to run UK settings, but since DG3 is run as a service, the service had its own session with its own default settings.
Learn something new every day in the wonderful w...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 05/09/12 at 17:02:33
DatePicker() in subforms...? 
Here is a challenge for you. See the
attached image.
do we use datepicker for each row ?................................................................................. ............................................

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Arul 24/07/13 at 09:51:54
Re:DatePicker() in subforms...? 
Download SampleThe best way of doing this is by building our own "control". in DE8 you can manipulate objects by number. i SetValue("Date...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 24/07/13 at 13:42:14
spell date and number in all countries 

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by alembagheri tahmas 01/01/14 at 13:45:01
Version Update 
Reason I am asking this, because I have seen it in the past.When we update from one version to another, there is always something fails to work. Majority of the time it will be related to DQL. So, I am still being cautious updating for my clien...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 12/11/14 at 14:34:19
Re:Version Update 
Hi Arul.I must take issue with your ALWAYS something that fails ;-) We release and have released on average 2 new versions of DE8 every week and we have only registered 2 occasions where the update had detrimental effect on existing applicatio...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/11/14 at 08:51:04
Re:Re:Version Update 
Sorry for the long winded answer but it was too good an opportunity to address these issues to miss out, but in the heat of the battle I found that I didn't actually answer all of your questions.1. You are following a good practice. Don't upgr...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/11/14 at 09:48:52
Re:Re:Re:Version Update 
Just to illustrate the differences between the current release version you are using and the latest release version... Today.r1681Updated Blat, CKEDit and addes SendEmail.exe---------------------r1680Change request...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/11/14 at 10:42:24
Re:Re:Re:Re:Version Update 
This is good. Thank you for the long answer. Long answer always helps rather than no answer.Actually, when I said I had issues always when I update. It is before your time with DataEase. But, even recently I had an issue with DE8. A...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 13/11/14 at 13:45:05
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Version Update 
Hi again Arul.I might have simplified it a little. There is a lot of bug fixing in between there too, but if there isn't a particular bug that bother you that we have fixed there is no reason to update before you have explored and used the new...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/11/14 at 14:18:58
Re:Version Update 
Yes. True. And that is what I was doing. Even if there is something bothering and client already in production. I always go with magic word "workaround". It will be really a matter of time/resources to retest their application under new update if...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 13/11/14 at 14:26:59
I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2 
Hi. I am trying to convert from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2. Everything works fine, but I get problems with the dates in my app. When migrating I get Invalid/Illegal Date format for each record...Can anyone help?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Abe Jones 26/01/15 at 16:12:22
Re:I get a number of Illegal Date Forma when migrating from DFW 6.x to DFW 8.2 
The problem is related to the Base Year in your DFW 6.x app.If the base year in the app is different than the base year in DE8.2 you will get this problem.Simply change the base year in your 6.x app to correspond with DE8.2 i.e. 75.<br...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 26/01/15 at 16:15:01
DQL Procedure does not update layout after re-compile in 8.5 
I'm currently busy in De8.5 creating procedures.when I add or remove fields and check the script it does not ask me if I want to change the layout? Thus it does not add or remove the fields!Attach the screenshot in 8 and it does not give...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Daleen 15/04/15 at 20:01:09
Re:DQL Procedure does not update layout after re-compile in 8.5 
We did an attempt in DE8.2 (Late) I think to fix QBM and DQL. It is sadly still a little in limbo as we have focused on replacing it rather than fixing it as it is "unfixable". However, the way it work now is that you will get an...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/04/15 at 20:02:45
Date problem with windows 10 
When i want use ??/08/2015 in my date field. Its nothing can show, why? Maybe it just happen in windows 10?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Mohd Sedik Zakaria 01/09/15 at 05:46:36
Re:Date problem with windows 10 
I suspect the problem is that you have a different date separator after updating to Windows 10.A date is stored as a number but when you search for it is converted to a string.So if you switch from dd/mm/yy to it will work fin...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/09/15 at 12:12:30
count of not updated in a while loop 
Hi there,I have this simple algorithm to implement:1. Check how many working days there are between date x and date x - y days (y = 3);NOTE: I have a special table listing all days till 2050: the day has...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by George Washington 16/10/15 at 07:08:04
Re:count of not updated in a while loop 
Downalod Sample!
This is one of the 20 least well known "bugs" in DataEase, but it is KNOWN ;-)
There has been much debate on this as...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/10/15 at 12:07:02
Re:Re:count of not updated in a while loop 
Thanks that works!...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by George Washington 16/10/15 at 14:36:15
Problem changing between Extended and Standard date 
I have a date field which I set to Extended but decided after testing a couple of records to change it to Standard, however, when I click the Standard radio button all that happens is the definition window goes blank, if I then click the Typ...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rob Birney 01/03/16 at 12:51:36
Re:Problem changing between Extended and Standard date 
There is only one word for this....BUG!The field definition dialogue is unnecessarily over-engineered and as result there is some peculiar behaviour (try to switch to and from Lookup field etc).This problem has been trace...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/03/16 at 13:51:00
AutoRefresh sample migrated and updated. 
Problem was two applications in the same catalogue which is not allowed in 8.5 after migration. Removed second application and sample worked fine. Can be download migrated from the Blog

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/04/16 at 16:59:32
Handling date in variable ... 
Handling date in variable ...How can I calculate date types in variables?Because the problem is that, for example, SetVar ("vDate", GetValue ("Date") + 1) should16:04:16 give, but is 15:04:17. How can I work around this problem if I wan...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 15/04/16 at 12:14:30
Re:Handling date in variable ... 
Use ExecDQL.execDQL("define /'vDate/' date. vdate=data-entry field1+1 .vdate := SetVar("vDate",vDate) .",Date)this might be a little confusing but:i re-use the temp variable vdate to run the function SetVar() the return value a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 17/04/16 at 17:23:42
Re:Re:Handling date in variable ... 
Thanks for the quick response to my topic.I will test the same time this solution.Thanks againBest regardsMarkus...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 17/04/16 at 20:01:43
Sometimes, when i key in date using keyboard number. My report is "ok" but when i just (enter) using data-entry form and field definition (derivation) "CURRENT DATE". Sometimes my calculation report not well.DEFINE GLOBAL "TODATE" DATE .<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Mohd Sedik Zakaria 08/06/16 at 06:15:06
Price Update from dataease 8.0 to 8.5 
hi anybodt knows how much cost the update from dataesae 8.0 to 8.5 ? thanks...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Antonio J. Forero 17/06/16 at 16:55:49
Re:Price Update from dataease 8.0 to 8.5 
Yes it is easy.0 ;-)Just go ahead and download the latest version.When we started the DE8 deveolpment we promised two things:1. That it would be the biggest change of DataEase for Windows and it is.2. That the peopl...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/06/16 at 07:51:56
Re:PLEASE HELP ME REGUARDING DATE ISSUE !!!!! no one help me!!!!!!! 

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Mohd Sedik Zakaria 23/06/16 at 05:21:52
Re:Re:PLEASE HELP ME REGUARDING DATE ISSUE !!!!! no one help me!!!!!!! 
You may display the wrong field in the body of the procedure. Try and remove the field from the List Records, then recompile the proc. and then add it again. You will get 3-4 different copies of the field (as you have 2 In Groups) in the body, ke...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Fatma Adel 23/06/16 at 10:30:39
Re:Re:Re:PLEASE HELP ME REGUARDING DATE ISSUE !!!!! no one help me!!!!!!! 
From your answer, did you want me to recreate the body?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Mohd Sedik Zakaria 23/06/16 at 11:01:10
Re:Re:Re:Re:PLEASE HELP ME REGUARDING DATE ISSUE !!!!! no one help me!!!!!!! 
not the whole body, only the field with the wrong results, by removing it and adding it again....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Fatma Adel 23/06/16 at 12:47:00
Re:Re:Re:Re:PLEASE HELP ME REGUARDING DATE ISSUE !!!!! no one help me!!!!!!! 
not the whole body, only the field with the wrong results, by removing it and adding it again....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Fatma Adel 23/06/16 at 12:47:00
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:PLEASE HELP ME REGUARDING DATE ISSUE !!!!! no one help me!!!!!!! 
Actually, try only recompiling the proc. first without doing any changes and see if the fields will appear in the body or not....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Fatma Adel 23/06/16 at 12:49:06
?2527 01.02.17 - Update! 
General bug fixing and improvement. Fixed problems with header/footer on print.please tell us with problems should bei fixed with header/footer on print....

Product: . Written by Rainer 27/02/17 at 11:42:16
Re:?2527 01.02.17 - Update! 
Sorryplease tell us witch problems should be fixed with header/footer on print...

Product: . Written by Rainer 27/02/17 at 12:15:04
Re:Re:?2527 01.02.17 - Update! 
Problem with sizing sadly introduced in 2500.Header and footer objects are inifinit and this was not considered properly in 2500 so if you had a header/footer object that didn't size to fit it would be too big....

Product: . Written by DataEase 28/02/17 at 12:37:59
Latest Update Ver 
Hi DateaseJust trying to up date to the following version, getting the following errors. Any help please....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by KEV 09/03/17 at 12:13:40
Re:Latest Update Ver 
HI Kev.The problem is most likely that the library is open by a session. It doesn't matter. It has not changed for a while, so just choose ignore and move on. If you get persistent problems, de-install DE8 and do a fresh install instead....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 09/03/17 at 12:53:48
Re:Latest Update Ver 
Many thanks - Latest version installed OK...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by KEV 09/03/17 at 13:02:41
Date Error 2017 become 1917 
Hello, I am currently using dataease and the current date has changed from 2017 to 1917. How do I fix that error? Also I am looking to upgrade to the newest dataease. When will the new 8.5 be released? (months or weeks) How many users per li...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Matt 03/04/17 at 21:24:16
Re:Date Error 2017 become 1917 
DataEase dates are normally DD/MM/YY or similar but you can chose to show extended dates. However there is no difference when it comes to the maths behind them. if you try to do a current date into a text field you will see that it retu...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 03/04/17 at 22:24:05
Current User, Date, Time not changing/updating 
Will you be able to help!One one of the databases I found that the current i.e. User, Date or Time not updating. However, on others it seem to work perfectly well.RegardsJoe...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by joe peart 22/11/17 at 20:30:24
Re:Current User, Date, Time not changing/updating 
Can you give an idea in what circumstances this happens? In a form, report, etc?

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by afonso santos 23/11/17 at 00:03:02
Re:Current User, Date, Time not changing/updating 
To preserver current Date, user etc. is a property of the Application.
You simply go to Application Preferences and uncheck the "Preserve old CURRENT...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by DataEase 23/11/17 at 13:18:05
Re:Re:Current User, Date, Time not changing/updating 
Sorry but that was the first place I thought of looking.Please find attached screen shot of my Application Preferences.What I also notice, if I check mark the box and close then go back, it unchecked itself. It never states checke...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by joe peart 24/11/17 at 10:54:05
Re:Re:Re:Current User, Date, Time not changing/updating 
Hi Again Joe.If memory don't fail me the default for this was changed for applications somewhere along the lines. I was not around during the 6.x era but I...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by DataEase 24/11/17 at 10:55:24
after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this. 
---- Tue Jan 23 13:33:10 2018 ----UTPAKKSEDDEL:- procedure running :#1: Error 402 Getting Field Data.Unknown field.---- Tue Jan 23 13:33:10 2018 ---------------------------------------...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 23/01/18 at 13:41:44
Re:after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this. 
Hi.The problem is that the field in the body (header/footer) has lost "connectio" with the DQL. Just remove the offending field and re-insert it in the body....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/01/18 at 15:46:40
Re:Re:after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this. 
i cant get it to work can u help me...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 08:04:23
Re:Re:Re:after new update i get an error. can u help me whit this. 
I fixed it.. :)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Skiens Persiennefabrikk 24/01/18 at 08:31:21
Hmm.. Scaling after update looks like this.... 
Hmm.. after latest update it looks like this.......Kind regardsMarkus<img src="...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 11/02/18 at 16:03:08
Re:Hmm.. Scaling after update looks like this.... 
Just to clarify. Last update of what? Windows, DataEase etc.The latest 8.5 has been released for close on a year now...UPDATE! It is not of course. We changed the scaling problem and you write the clue in the heading ;...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 12/02/18 at 09:23:30
Re:Re:Hmm.. Scaling after update looks like this.... 
Yes, sorry for the missing Information:Looks like this after updating to last DE8.5 version. (From download center).Kínd regardsMarkus...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 12/02/18 at 09:52:50
Re:Re:Re:Hmm.. Scaling after update looks like this.... 
And yes again :)Where can i get the version before the last ? (Not found in Download Center).Kind regards Markus...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 12/02/18 at 09:54:36
Re:Re:Re:Re:Hmm.. Scaling after update looks like this.... 
We don't have this problem in 8.6 Beta so it must be something strange that has gone wrong in 8.5.2.We will look into it, but if you don't need the scaling fix the best thing is simply to use the 8.5.1 version.<a href="http://www.dataease....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 12/02/18 at 10:52:35
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hmm.. Scaling after update looks like this.... 
Problem fixed with scaling and updating problems in some dialogues ex. Field Definition.Published as of today on

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/02/18 at 11:25:40
Searching date between in form when date is text 8 
Hello,I have another problem, I cant find solution for that, no solution found on forum too.I have 5 fields ( text 8 each) that contain a date dd/mm/yy. I need to search records in a form, that match DateFirst to DateEnd in each of the...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by HONVAULT PATRICK 14/03/19 at 13:47:50
Re:Searching date between in form when date is text 8 
Hi PatrickNot sure if I understood correctly....You can try to search in a form as follow:Select Records In the field enter: between date to dateClick Select Record or Next / PreviousKind regardsJo...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Josef Vella 14/03/19 at 18:26:08
Re:Re:Searching date between in form when date is text 8 
Hello Josef,Between match in text field like between "12/03/19" to "15/03/19" as > "12/03/19" or < "16/03/19"Ok , but if i want to search a between on the 5 text field simultaneously, i don't know how to do ....Thanks<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Honvault Patrick 15/03/19 at 12:04:34
Re:Searching date between in form when date is text 8 
Donwload Sample
I guess this should teach you all a lesson.
Put a boring and "...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/03/19 at 12:45:21
Re:Re:Searching date between in form when date is text 8 
Thanks so much for all guys ! :)After convert all the 7 text fields in date, impossible to use the table, lot of error messages. After 16 hours of unsuccessful attempts, no way out, i had to recreate at 100% this table ( ... ) and tr...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Honvault Patrick 20/03/19 at 18:29:15
Re:Re:Re:Searching date between in form when date is text 8 
Problem when converting from Text to Date is formatting in derivations.Dates in DataEase is writtine directly like 03/04/19 while a date in a text field would be "03/04/19".So when converting from text to date you need to change all th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 03/04/19 at 14:32:04
EDATE Excel function equivalent in DataEase 
Hi All,Does anyone know of a function in DataEase that is functionally equivalent to the =EDATE function in MS Excel ?This is an extremely useful function used to calculate a date when you add or subtract any number of months to any...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Robert Smith 24/06/21 at 05:54:04
Re:EDATE Excel function equivalent in DataEase 
There is no function to do that but there is several ways to achieve the same.In DataEase you can add and subtract days from any date and it will return the correct date.Obviously with months being so "stupidly" configured i.e. 28, 29,...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 25/06/21 at 16:09:24
Re:Re:EDATE Excel function equivalent in DataEase 
Thanks Very Much! I appreciate you taking the time to reply and advise.Your suggestion is what I thought would be the way to achieve the same result. I'll try to understand the algorithm MS uses in their EDATE function to get the ve...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Robert Smith 26/06/21 at 01:23:57
Re:Re:Re:EDATE Excel function equivalent in DataEase 
Hi again Robert.In a way I think that the way DataEase should work - had to test if it actually worked like this but it didn't.12/01/32 + 00/03/00 should be 12/04/3212/01/32 - 00/03/00 should be 12/10/31 Etc.I will...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 30/06/21 at 11:41:11
Importing Date Data 
Hi, have been using Datease for over 30 odd years, originally DOS then windows. I had been using LegEasy 6.53 and thought id treat myself to an update, unfortunately only Dataease 8.5 is available so I have purchased this. I am in the process of rewri...

Product: DataEase 8.5 Runtime. Written by steve Turnbull 07/04/23 at 16:18:12
Re:Importing Date Data 
Are you trying to import directly from the DBM files? If so the format has changed from 6 to 7 (and 8) so DBM import might not get the date format correctly (there was a lot of mess with changing over from how to decide the format from co...

Product: DataEase 8.5 Runtime. Written by DataEase 12/04/23 at 11:28:14
Re:Re:Importing Date Data 
Sorted, It was my own fault, I did read on the help menu regarding date fields being the same. I made sure that they were but forgot to check the computer date which was the extended version. Changed both databases to match and imported perfect. Thank...

Product: DataEase 8.5 Runtime. Written by steve Turnbull 13/04/23 at 14:19:38
Browser needs to be updated 
HI, dear DataEase friends!When using CRM application the map of a contact address informs that a browser from the list has to be updated all the time.Please help, OS is Windows 11... Thx...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 28/08/23 at 11:22:01
Re:Browser needs to be updated 
Hi Ihor.The problem is that all current versions of DataEase use the IE object for web handling.This will change in DE10. Its a big rewrite to change to Edge as the engine is completely different.We are sorry for the inconvenience....

Product: Not product specific.. Written by DataEase 04/09/23 at 15:49:26
Re:Re:Browser needs to be updated 
Hi! Thx a lot for Your reply. Hope DE10 will win in the software competition for our armed forces recruiting and other purposes needed like F-16....

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 13/09/23 at 05:54:12
Re:Re:Re:Browser needs to be updated 
DE AI or DatAIs...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 07/10/24 at 18:43:54
Re:Re:Re:Re:Browser needs to be updated 
is it possible to get le9 /de 9 working with chrome browse soon ?...

Product: Not product specific.. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 10/10/24 at 20:59:16
LegEasy 6 - Major Update (Ver. 6.53.3156) 
The popularity of LegEasy 6 has been overwhelming. It was released as a fix to DFW 6.x and 5.x users to allow them to run in Windows 7, but we also wanted to give it some extra "life" so we updated the looks etc.
Now it is one of our most popular releas...

Product: LegEasy 6 Windows. Written by DataEase 19/10/12 at 19:47:19
New Function in 8 - DatePicker() - Function to pick a date from a calendar 
We are currently on the final stretch of DataEase 8 new functionality. One function that a lot of you have been wanting is a date picker.
In a momen...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 04/11/12 at 21:58:03
New Functionaliy in 8 - Changed and Updated RT Editor - (Ver. 
One of the things we really wanted to add to 8 was a RichText editor for editing documents, web content or simply add some "flavour" to your applications.
Up to 8, DataEase data have only been able to be presented in one font, colour, size etc. You cou...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/12/12 at 11:18:21
New Function in 8 - DatePicker() - Use Windows DatePicker to select a date for a date field (Ver. 
No rest for the wicked. Our team of developers consists of Russians, Norwegians, Egyptians and British individuals. It turns out that when the rest of the world fight race and religious wars, we in the engineering and technical businesses only reap th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/01/13 at 17:39:37
IMPORTANT UPDATE of 8 - Fix of corrupted Tab Control that causes GPF (Ver. 
We have been aware for a while that tab controls migrated from 7.x have a tendency to cause GPF when opening a form in 8. Tab Controls was introduced in 7.x and the implementation work was not of high quality the same as so much of the ot...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/01/13 at 23:45:01
Re:IMPORTANT UPDATE of 8 - Fix of corrupted Tab Control that causes GPF (Ver. 
please send serial number DataEase 8...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by peyman norouzi 31/01/13 at 13:40:14
DataEase 8 Update - Automatic set-up of optimum Browser Object (Ver. 
We have now implemented a fix that will automatically enable the internal IE object for optimum performance. The default of IE as an internal browser object is IE 7. We have produced a How To on how to change this is previous versions of...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/02/13 at 13:23:46
DataEase 8 Update - Rapid increase in sub-version numbers. 
We are currently working in parallel with DataEase 8 PRE II (Current release) and DataEase 8 PRE I (Next Release). DataEase 8 PRE I is a major update to the GUI and how DataEase is presented to the user, where windows will be tabbed, where you can dis...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/02/13 at 13:29:56
DataEase 8 Update - Negative Side Effect of Speed up Project fixed.... (Ver. 
Now and again we get reminded that DataEase 8 is a big development project in its own right. We are operating on a live patient here, and that is always "exciting".One of the goals for DataEase 8 Development is to make the product "smooth", "s...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 07/02/13 at 23:37:55
DataEase 8 - Current Work Update!! 
You might feel that it has been a little silent and not much have happened on the website lately, and you are right, but it is not due to us not being working.As you might be aware of we are still in heavy development and DataEase 8 is only in...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 14/03/13 at 11:21:26
Re:DataEase 8 - Current Work Update!! 
MemoSetGlobal() and MemoGetGlobal()With the new Memo functionality we also need to be able to "throw" Memos about, so a new global array for Memo's is also on the current work list.Memos can't be a return value in PRISM so it...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 14/03/13 at 14:06:04
DataEase 8 - Memo Update. Scrolling with Mouse wheel in Memo fields (Ver 
We have no further updated Memo field so you will be able to scroll the content of a memo field with the Mouse Wheel.The rules are now as follows. (when field have focus)1. Memo and Multi-line fields. Scrolling content of field. Form s...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 27/03/13 at 09:16:46
Update Functionality DataEase 8 - SetValue(), SetState(), SetColor(), SetFocus() ObjectNumber Added (Ver 
One challenge that has been present since OML was introduced and one could start to manipulate GUI object directly is to manipulate different Rows/Records in a Subform etc.Record objects in Subforms are clones, and hence don't have their own u...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/06/13 at 22:08:56
Functionalty Fix in DataEase 8 - Buttons updated and fixeds so resizing and label fit (Ver. 
Strangely the buttons in DataEase for WIndows have lived their own lives. You work hard to get the label in the right place and then the next time you open the app, they have moved up or down, only half the label is visible etc...Whatever you...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/06/13 at 22:43:32
New Sample - How to manipulate records in a sub form using DatePicker() 
Download SampleWe got a challenge under the AskUS "Program" so we jumped on it. It was quite nifty actually, and since it gave us an "awakening" we tho...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 24/07/13 at 13:52:18
Update to Sample CRM (NoOffice) due to change from Set/GetGlobal() to Set/GetVar() 
Download Update!As we use these functions quite extensively in this sample you will need to update your sample if you have downloaded DE8 prior to a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/08/13 at 16:07:03
New version of 8 - - Button updated to draw more contempoary, focus dotted line removed! (still focus on border) 
We have updated the button to draw more "handsomely" and removed the focus dotted line that have a tendency to ruin the appearance.You will still be able to tell if a button have focus by the border going bold. ...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 06/08/13 at 14:51:08
Re:Update to Sample CRM (NoOffice) due to change from Set/GetGlobal() to Set/GetVar() 
what is the user name and password to access this sample database...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by luis conde 13/08/13 at 17:47:57
Re:Re:Update to Sample CRM (NoOffice) due to change from Set/GetGlobal() to Set/GetVar() 
email and email for normal userhigh and high to access to the catalogue (Developer Mode)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Development 14/08/13 at 20:57:13
Planned updates/changes in DE8 
Don't believe that release means finished ;-)
We released DE8 Classic because we were confident that it was ready for use and that our model with evolutionary development actually work.
The same way you guys develop your apps we d...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 30/08/13 at 15:24:26
Update of Feature in 8 - New, richer and much improved RT Editor (HTMLEdit) (Ver. 
We are sure that if you had asked the old team - and we are sure some of you did - you would have gotten a long explanation about data consistancy, structure, design which would end up with it being better the way it is (was).
The bas...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 04/09/13 at 09:08:45
DataEase 8.1 Pre-Release Version updated (Ver. 
First release of many in 2014! Happy new year!We are currently combing through 8.1 to remove annoying problems and inconsistencies to make it more streamlined and consistent....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/01/14 at 18:44:58
DataEase 8.1 Pre-Release Version updated (Ver. 
A lot of our more advanced users that use Memos extensively and particularly for manipulation and with MemoExecDQL() have reported that some times the memo "clips" or is cut at 255 characters. This mysterious behaviour has been reported before, but as...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/01/14 at 09:25:05
DataEase 8.1 Pre-Release Version updated (Ver. 
To those of you that thought DE8 development had concluded, I am sorry but I have to disappoint you ;-) The updates are coming quick succession now! After a slow period over the holidays, we are back in full steam and a lot of new functions and functi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/01/14 at 09:07:07
The password change link code must manually be updated 
When we did an update of the underlying Django web framework from 1.5.x to 1.6.x, the password change link has been update from 36 to 64 in length. This means that you manually have to change this code in your DG3 authentication module, since this is...

Product: DataEase Generation 3. Written by DataEase Development 21/01/14 at 11:55:05
DataEase 8.1 - New version quick update (Ver. 
We are really sorry that our team haven't had time to test and release these versions as they have been developed. This is due to a lot of other activities that our team has to participate on and hence the process around releasing new versions has bee...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 21/03/14 at 11:39:10
DataEase 8.2 - GetCurrent() updated! "RowNumber", "RecordNumber", "Version" (Ver. 
Download Simple Sample
GetCurrent() is the addition to the old and trusted Current from DFD. We have decided to add it as a function rather than continue on the built...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 21/08/14 at 12:10:10
Update to Function Lexicon in DE8 Catalogue. 
It was pointed out to us today that the Internal website in the DE8 Catalogue was suffering from neglect so we have spent some resources today o...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 12/09/14 at 18:52:26
Re:Update to Function Lexicon in DE8 Catalogue. 
Lexicon now showing past P thank you :)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 15/09/14 at 15:43:29
DataEase 8.2 - Complete Fix/Update List (Ver. 
r1679Change request 1476(ExitDataEase with silent/confirmed mode) is implemented---------------------r1678Change request 1476(ExitDataEase with silent/confirmed mode) is partly implemented, debug and release behavior is syn...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/11/14 at 17:17:05
DataEase 8.2 - Richtext (HTML) editor object updated (Ver. 
Download Sample
The RT object was one of the first major improvements in DE8. As the first object where you could store and display text with variable fonts, colours a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/11/14 at 17:20:08
DataEase 8.2 - GetCurrent updated with a lot of new features (Ver. 
Download Sample
GetCurrent() is our "jack of all trades" where we add useful info features.
It already return RowNumber, RecordNumber, File positions etc.<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/11/14 at 18:02:50
DataEase 8.2 - SetColor() updated with Decimal Interpretation R255G128 etc... (Ver. 
It was pointed out to us that we might have been to technical and not particularly user friendly when we designed the SetColor() function.After a lot of protesting, soul searching and deliberation and with the weight of tradition heavy on the...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 19/11/14 at 16:51:31
DataEase 8.2 - Updated HTMLeditor (RT Editor) object. More streamlined (Ver. 
The HTMLeditor is a very popular addition to DE8 but one complaint has been that the toolbar is to "big". This has now been amended in 1696 with a more contemporary look and feel.Even thought...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/11/14 at 10:50:08
Hi All, Update on 8.3 now renamed 8.5 Drozd (BlackBird) Sometimes you don?t realise the consequences of your own actions…he,he. The fixes in 8.3 now (8.5) is much more significant than we first even hoped for. One th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/01/15 at 15:31:15
New Sample - Make an Application with Expiry Date (Ver. 
Download Sample!
A lot of our customers are developers that develop applications for third parties. In the good old days these customers was local to the partner, b...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 27/01/15 at 18:39:47
Re:New Sample - Make an Application with Expiry Date (Ver. 
This is an excellent idea, as it can also be used to maintain the licence or maintenance on a system on an annual or whatever basis....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Kensington 29/01/15 at 12:43:00
DataEase 8.5 - New Function: IndexUpdate() - Dramatically increase speed! (Ver. 
IndexUpdate (8.5 onwards) IndexUpdate("Tablename")
RetVal := IndexUpdate("Quick")...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 31/01/15 at 12:57:56
Developer Tips - How to create a datetime field in DataEase. 
With different countries and different standards date and time is not straightforward. DataEase use the Windows Time and Date and that result in a lot of peculiarities.To insure that you have a correct sortable and indexable DataTime in your f...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/02/15 at 14:50:35
DataEase 8.5 - Function Update GetCurrent("@PrinterN") & SetState("@DefaultPrinter","PrinterName") Ver. 
Dedicated printing has always been a problem in Windows and particularly in DataEase for Windows.It was simple to direct output to a specified printer for a given report/procedure in DFD but in Windows "user interaction" has been the way, whic...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/06/15 at 10:35:09
DATAEASE 8.5 BETAIV - UPDATE! Tabs in DEVELOPER is nor fixed so they display correct document. 
We introduced the Document Tabs in Developer some time ago but it was never completely "fixed".There were instances where the active tab would not correspond with the displayed document....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 06/08/15 at 09:30:29
DATAEASE 8.5 BETA IV.I (1868) - Another Update to Developer Tabs, now show correct state. 
Download DataEase 8.5 BETA IV.I
Now you will get the correct state on Tab for each wi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 07/08/15 at 05:21:33
DataEase 8.5 - GetCurrent() update - CPUID, MacAddress, MacAddressWIFI, MacAddresLAN (Ver. 
GetCurrent() has been expanded again with new keywords.You are now able to read and use the CPUID and IDs of your network cards on the active PC.This is useful in your application to identify the Computer that runs your application.<br...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/12/15 at 15:00:10
Pre-Release of DataEase 8.5 Developer/Player Update. 
Download Developer
Download Player
We have now updated the ce...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/01/16 at 14:05:51
Re:Pre-Release of DataEase 8.5 Developer/Player Update. 
The email reply from DataEase team on my license request was to other person ;)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 20/01/16 at 03:59:41
New Version of 8.5 - Recommended update from 2172! 
Typically after the full release of a version you will get some frequent updates to correct bugs discovered by our vigilant users.This versions fixes a serious bug with QBF (Write protected fields could not be searched etc), and a new fix to a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 17/02/16 at 12:27:01
Update to 8.5 - Ver 8.5.2203 (Maintenance Update) 
This is a maintenance update with fixes for discovered bugs after release and hence is a RECOMMENDED release.There has been reported problems with start-up of 8.5 in certain environments which was due to some unfortunate memory handling.<b...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 29/02/16 at 17:21:52
Update to DE8 Sample CRM App. 
Updated CRM Sample
IT has been reported problems with the CRM sample in 8.5, which is related to...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 21/03/16 at 14:51:00
LegEasy 4DOS Update - Network test completed a Success! 
To re-launch a vintage product in a modern environment is like taking a vintage plane or car out of "mothball". "Will it still start?" "Will it still fly?"Or will it simp...

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by DataEase 07/06/16 at 10:11:12
LegEasy 4DOS Updated version. 
Updated version 13.06.16
Automatic resizing of app when Window is...

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by DataEase 13/06/16 at 20:48:35
Re:LegEasy 4DOS Updated version. 
I installed the new release, but now I can not save the application name (all fields with browse for app). In the first release it worked....

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by Rainer 14/06/16 at 07:45:16
Re:Re:LegEasy 4DOS Updated version. 
Sorry. It was a glitch in the testing ahead of releases. It has been fixed and new compilation off 2385 is now available at the download.We are also working with a new update so you won't loose your setup when updating....

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by DataEase 14/06/16 at 10:41:26
LegEasy 4DOS - UPDATE 11.07.16 
Dear Legacy and LegEasy User.It is now close on a month since we released the first version of LegEasy4DOS (L4D) and the response has been fantastic.What this tell us is that our hunch was...

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by DataEase 11/07/16 at 08:59:41
DataEase - Big DEOS Update Added DEOS function @zip, @unzip, @CopyDirectory, @CopyFile, @CreateDirectory, @DeleteDirectory, @DeleteFile, @DirectoryEmpty, @DirectoryExists, @FileExists, @BrowseForFile and @BrowseForFolder 
There has been a number of CDFs etc for dealing with finding files etc in DFW.CDF's are well and good but important functions like this should be dealt with by DataEase directly.In 2275 we have included the following DEOS fu...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/07/16 at 16:04:24
DataEase - OLEDB updated and fixed to cover DFD 5.x, DFW 6.x, DFW 7.x, DE8.5 
As part of our DataEase Infrastructure program have we restored/fixed/finished the OLEDB Provider and Consumer so it will read/write to DataEase itself.The DataEase OLEDB Consumer and Provider was first developed during the DFW 6.x development...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/07/16 at 16:09:45
DataEase - DeletRecords updated with Options to allow specific deleting without dialogue. 
It is almost crazy that this feature took so long to join our function library.Nothing has been as annoying as deleting records in DFW.Personally I have been using ExecDQL("delete records in mytablw with ID=data-entry field1 .",ID) sim...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/07/16 at 06:27:35
WARNING! Keep up to date with versions! 
We have had some reports of problems with warnings like Missing Status documents and files already exist lately.
After some investig...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/07/17 at 19:22:16
UPDATE to 8.5 - Rebuild of last 8.5 (2674) to fix problems with scaling in older versions of Windows (7,8,2008 etc) 
Problems with scaling in DataEase 8.5?
Some of you have experienced problems with dialogs not scaling properly in 8.5.
This is due to a bu...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/01/18 at 13:36:07
Re:UPDATE to 8.5 - Rebuild of last 8.5 (2674) to fix problems with scaling in older versions of Windows (7,8,2008 etc) 
The date on your hompage is wrong 2018 not 2017...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 31/01/18 at 17:44:10
Re:Re:UPDATE to 8.5 - Rebuild of last 8.5 (2674) to fix problems with scaling in older versions of Windows (7,8,2008 etc) 
Thanks Rainer.Always hard to get this right around the new year ;-)...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/02/18 at 16:53:26
01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
Dear Dataease friends.
We have now been working on DE9 for close on 5 years with full focus on it for 2.5 which is the time since we stopped development on 8.<...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 01/11/19 at 10:58:59
Re:01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
Good luck! ...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 01/11/19 at 12:45:10
Re:01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
We all know as developers how difficult it is to release software to 'customers', so lot's of succes. Surprise us :)...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Henk Spierings 02/11/19 at 13:32:19
Re:01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
So i must be reading this wrong. Would it be safe that a delay of about 3 months b4 D9 is launched?...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Thomas Carlson 02/11/19 at 18:34:47
Re:Re:01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
No. The delay is only a week. When the Beta is released any customer that want to put it in product after thorough testing can do so. The software has been in limited Beta for over a year and has been used in several projects so its quite well burnt i...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 03/11/19 at 13:31:06
Re:Re:Re:01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
[quote]"The first goal for DE9 is to deliver a complete Windows product to take over from DE8 and then we move onto from there."[/quote]Does that mean we'll never see something like DE's DQL for DOS AI tool ? so sad ......

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 03/11/19 at 15:17:16
Re:Re:01.11.19 Dataease 9 Developer Beta Update 
PS. we need DE 9 to be used with wearable devices OSes for we have our original cardiac rhythm sensor (not optical) . It is not surprise that DataEase was used for those purposes earlier paired with mainframe: "An automatized computer-method u...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 08/11/19 at 16:59:54
DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
We didn't really want to release a Beta until we had implemented the new DQL and Quickreport editors, but it started to become a problem that we had develop so much functionality without a proper cha...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 15/11/19 at 18:12:30
Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
not 4361 stillDataEase Version9.0.0.4359The version of the active DataEase. Typical

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 15/11/19 at 22:46:53
Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
even in 4359 tried that DQL to be true there is no spirit of real DQL for dedos ... formally made as a copy without any sacred yes this word any sacred relation to the spirit of old DQL ..IT IS HARD TO EXPLAIN but it is easy to feel<...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 15/11/19 at 22:54:04
Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
old dfd dql ...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 15/11/19 at 23:28:08
Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
other DQL from DE 9 (including non known yet the newest procedure for making reports) ...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 15/11/19 at 23:29:28
Re:Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
Hi Ihor.Dataease is not a retro product and we are not looking to fit into a niche.We have invested a lot of time and effort into trying to grasp the essence of what made DFD great and the answer is not to simply recreate it in 2019.<b...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 16/11/19 at 15:00:34
Re:Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
This is just a mistake when the version was built....

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by DataEase 16/11/19 at 15:15:20
Re:Re:Re:DE9-DQL editor Update etc. 
Thank You very much for Your reply. Please delete all my posts from the site and ban my account toofor I got the feeling of DE 9 from now and Your site got usual appearance. as to old dql for dos I meant only one amazing...

Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Ihor Zakharchenko 16/11/19 at 18:20:02