Problems with Export, Upgrading from 7.2 and DataEase 8 Exec. 
Currently I have a procedure to export data from a table with the following code
for detalle-Prestamos ;
list records
Pretamo_Numero ;
Fecha_cobro ;
LlaveItems ;
Valor_abono .
export to "D:\Detalle.txt" .
.form header
@f[1,1], @f[1,2], @f[1...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by diego fernando ocampo gomez 29/10/12 at 20:14:58
Re:Problems with Export, Upgrading from 7.2 and DataEase 8 Exec. 
1. Problem with Export.
Example 3
list records
MEMBERID in order ;
export to "MEMBDATA.TXT" .
.form header
This example...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 29/10/12 at 20:23:06
Export data from a table 
good morning
I have a database and a table with 250,000 records I need to export that table is a selection of recording and I do it for the function in the table DataEase Data Export and select the options button Selected Records and therefore selected t...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by wilmer raul contreras riaño 30/10/12 at 14:09:34
Re:Export data from a table 
Good evening from London Wilmer.
I have one good and one bad news for you. This is fixed in DataEase 8.
For fun I created a database with 11.000.000 records, and export t...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 30/10/12 at 17:41:26
Re:Re:Export data from a table 
The best way of insuring a good product, it to have more than one way of doing the "same" is called redundancy.
To be honest, something DFW has been really bad at. Our main goal for 8, is to expand it with new and alternative ways of doing the "job...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 31/10/12 at 15:28:52
DataEase 8 Exporting? 
I am currently running DataEase 5.17 and 6.53 together and I have been reluctant to upgrade to DFW 7.x etc due to the fact that it is not interoperable with DFD. To be honest we don't use the DFD part of the system much any more (the user...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Benny M. 20/01/13 at 16:38:18
Re:DataEase 8 Exporting? 
Hi Benny.I have now spent my weekend playing with Dataease 8 and I think that I already can say that you can!I talked to DataEase on the Live Chat and they tell me that DataEase 8 Reporter will be able to do all the same reporting/savi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Anders Bakke 20/01/13 at 18:00:01
Re:DataEase 8 Exporting? 
The answer is YES. I am building an xml formatted export from send payment files from payroll to bank. Built also an html export to send out a priceless html file to web site. <p...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Josef Vella 20/01/13 at 18:37:20
What about Exporting from DQL etc? 
Hi! DFD was brilliant on exporting from DQL etc, but in DFW this has been a big headache. Why is it that exporting with the Export Dialog is fast but DQL export etc is so slow?Any tips on how this can be done faster?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Andrew Enfield 25/07/13 at 18:19:05
Re:What about Exporting from DQL etc? 
Hi Andrew.You are right. Exporting from DQL have been a nightmare. In 7.2 we fixed the DataExport() function so it could take the .dbe (predfined export definition) as a parameter but it is not without limitations. The problem with the DataExp...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 25/07/13 at 18:22:04
exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
I require an output file in Excel format from my DQL procedure.
At the Print window I select Excel and enter a filename but when I try and open the resultant file with Excel (2 different versions) or the other piece of software that requir...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 20/08/13 at 12:44:05
Re:exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
Yes, I have in the past many times.
Exporting to CSV always works. What is that you are trying to do ?
Fish4Support, 335 Goldhawk Trail, Scarborough, ON M1V 4G2, Canada
Tel(Canada): 647-930-6497 | Tel...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 20/08/13 at 15:20:57
Re:exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
It's a very good reason why all of this stuff has been removed from DE8. It is a little like WebPublisher... A lot of promise and a lot of disappointment after a lot of work.
1. It does work, but it is part of the same library as the PDF...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 20/08/13 at 13:43:11
Re:Re:exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
He is trying to use the Export to Excel functionality in 7.x not CSV export from Form.
Export from DQL has been a big problem as we all know throughout the DFW era. Something that was so natural and simple in DFD became a problem with no...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Account 20/08/13 at 15:57:15
Re:Re:Re:exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
My DQL is in this format:-
for Table A
for Table B
for Table C
list records
some fields from Table A
some fields from Table B
some fields from Table C

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 23/08/13 at 10:06:48
Re:Re:Re:Re:exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
The problem with DFW and DQL is that the DQL in many ways is a "fraud".
It was implemented retrospectively and in contravention of how the new PRISM was designed.
A DQL with List records is an emulation of the real multivi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/08/13 at 12:59:41
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:exporting - Has anyone been able to make this work? 
I managed to get it to work by writing my data to a flat file and exporting the contents of that single file.
Thanks for your help Mr D.

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 29/08/13 at 09:08:56
DE 8 export to Microsoft Word 
You say in your answer to my earlier question regarding Dataease Reporter
"DE8 Reporter is reporting/printing much more en-par with DFD, but will of course include be a modern product with PDF printing/emailing/WYSIWYG formatting/Charts/Gr...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 08/10/13 at 06:23:35
Re:DE 8 export to Microsoft Word 
Firstly you won't have to export it to word to edit it, you can simply do that directly in DE8 but if one want to use Word it is easy.
DE Reporters like DG3 is basically Text oriented. I.e. everything is really just text documents. So the...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 08/10/13 at 11:49:35
DQL export to **.xls or **.txt 
DQL does not export a sum or count value declared in the script, neither the first line (bold), nor the second one of the example.
for INSTALLATIONEN with Versandauftrag >= data-entry von and Versanda...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by 08/10/13 at 16:37:22
Re:DQL export to **.xls or **.txt 
Download Sample
the "old" built in Export to file function in DFW DQl only works on flat data i.e. not automatically aggregated data like field:sum count...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 09/10/13 at 14:32:50
How to create "dummy" records for export 
Hi there,I am a new forum user and this is my very first post, so, in the first place, hail to everybody.I am trying to export to a txt file the order placed by every customer in the past year, grouped by months. I succeeded in grouping...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by George Washington 12/12/13 at 13:15:22
Export to Merge file Error "This Export Band requires a Table View Name" 
I have a procedure that creates an export file to be read in Mail Merge. The data form has about 60 records. There are two problems:-1. If i set it upFor Formlist recordsany form with ( field name = form field name ) fi...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 12/12/13 at 14:16:02
Re:How to create "dummy" records for export 
If this is DataEase 7 there is fewer alternatives than in 8 but still possible ;-)I will concentrate on the brute force and you can do the details of exporting it yourself.define temp "january" number .define temp "februay" number...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 13/12/13 at 06:39:05
Re:Export to Merge file Error "This Export Band requires a Table View Name" 
With fear of having misunderstood what you are trying to do.The Export function in DFW DQL has its own special format and limitations.Example 2...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/12/13 at 06:49:17
Re:Re:How to create "dummy" records for export 
Hi Mr. DataEase and thank you for answering.I tried a modified version of your solution (I have added an additional selection criterion on the customer: without that it gives me the same total for each customer) and it has some problems. The fi...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by George Washington 13/12/13 at 08:45:38
CSV files - Export To vs EXECDQL 
I am using V8.1.1.1435 (Or V8.1.0.1435 as it says in Help/About DataEase).I am producing a CSV file using EXPORT TO in a DQL procedure and it produces it correctly (Albeit with a variable number of Carriage Return/Line Feed pairs at the end of...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 16/12/13 at 11:10:33
Re:CSV files - Export To vs EXECDQL 
Hi Pete.No need to use Export to in ExecDQL anyway.As we all know the Export To functionality that was "panic" implemented back when DFW 5 was released as never been what it should be nor anything close to what it was supposed to repla...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 17/12/13 at 11:04:46
Re:Re:Re:How to create "dummy" records for export 
Hi Again.The alternative is to create a nested DQL where you run a For inside a for, and then the second one is nesting a table where you have only one record for each month.for MyData ;for MyMonths ;list recordsSum of MySa...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 17/12/13 at 11:24:12
Re:Re:CSV files - Export To vs EXECDQL 
Hi Mr. DI have downloaded the latest version V8.1.1.1436 (Or V8.1.0.1436 as it says in Help/About - Why the difference?).Referring to my initial posting, I get all the fields from Files A and B but none from File C, and in addition I get...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 17/12/13 at 11:47:59
Re:Re:Re:CSV files - Export To vs EXECDQL 
Hi again.It might well be that the Export To doesn't work the same in ExecDQL as in Traditional DQL, but what I don't understand is why you use Export To?You don't need to use it in ExecDQL as it will generate the export "native".<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 17/12/13 at 14:24:22
Re:Re:Re:Re:CSV files - Export To vs EXECDQL 
Hi again Mr. DI do not use the EXPORT TO in my EXECDQL - I have simply pasted the DQL WITHOUT the EXPORT TO portion into my EXECDQLSTORE table. I then run it using the button at the bottom of the form and, as I have said before, I do not get t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 17/12/13 at 14:30:37
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:CSV files - Export To vs EXECDQL 
Hi Again Peter.Sorry for being so slow.Can you send us a sample that show the difference and what you do.Send it to

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/12/13 at 13:55:34
Re:Re:Re:Re:How to create "dummy" records for export 
That's smart, a sort of join with another table, thank you now it works....

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by George Washington 19/12/13 at 12:00:19
Printing with PDF export 
Hello good eveningI currently have the version of DataEase and am generating a list designed in DQL and I will report PDF Export, give the path D: \ cesantias.pdf I generated the following error Could not find DataEase. What I see is...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by diego fernando Ocampo 23/02/14 at 23:28:00
Re:Printing with PDF export 
PDF printing only works in x86 versions of Windows. It won't work in X64.Read more here:;=0000000573...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by DataEase 24/02/14 at 09:35:39
Fatal Error in Export 
Currently working with DataEase if I believe by a DQL a report to be Exported Examplefor NOMINA with Nomina_No = data-entry Nomina_Nro ; list records Nombre_Tercero In Order ; Nombre In Order ; <...

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by diego fernando Ocampo 06/03/14 at 02:10:28
Re: Fatal Error in Export 
You can not use "in order" when export.If you want to have records sorted in order you must fiirst enter all records in temp form with sort order. Then export data from temp form....

Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by Roar Andersen 07/03/14 at 19:01:11
Correct character mapping in export etc. 
We have been working with software DataEase for a longtime. I would like to request your help on exporting information DataEase software for text file in notepad. Please observe below an example of the exported file....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rogerio 23/09/14 at 09:10:43
No messages during import or export operation 
It's possible to avoid to display this message during an import or export operation? I suggest to use a "silent" parameter if it's possible. Thanks....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 01/12/14 at 09:10:22
Re:No messages during import or export operation 
Dear Marco.Just to elaborate on this. Why is it a problem that the import show this information? What is the use case where you don't want it displayed?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Development 01/12/14 at 18:31:59
Re:Re:No messages during import or export operation 
I use import on some automatic procedure during the night and such procedures are blocked until I reconnect to the server again the next morning. I suspect that import/export use GUI that it's not available when the I'm not connected to the server. I...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 02/12/14 at 07:15:07
Re:Re:Re:No messages during import or export operation 
Hello Marco.
The problem with running Import on a schedule on the server is not related to the GUI messages. These messages for Import do not demand user interaction.
When setting up the schedule you need to run the job with a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/12/14 at 08:31:21
Exporting data from QBM (mainform and subform) 
Today I received a little bang on my head for not able to do this.This is due to exporting data from QBM with main-form and sub-form.Export only works well with main-form data.It does not export sub-form data with the main-form.</...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Arul 27/01/15 at 08:22:02
Re:Exporting data from QBM (mainform and subform) 
Hi Arul.That bang you should have gotten a long time ago ;-) Direct Export from table (QBM) has only ever exported a flat file i.e. from one level. So if you export the main table you will get all the data in that query (filte...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 27/01/15 at 08:27:57
Export to new dataease 
i hope you can help me import this to a new program...

Product: DataEase for Windows 5.x and before.... Written by Raymond Abrahamsen 27/01/15 at 14:04:25
Re:Export to new dataease 
Good morning.This zip file do not contain a working application.It contains parts of an old DFW, the Club app and parts of an app in the DFW catalogue....

Product: DataEase for Windows 5.x and before.... Written by DataEase 28/01/15 at 07:58:12
Re:Re:Exporting data from QBM (mainform and subform) 
Yes, I see what you were saying. But, problem is, users going from DFD into DFW expecting the same or similar functions. Unfortunately, I cannot disagree with them. As you well aware, DFD took over the world those days (20 years ago). All...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 30/01/15 at 16:17:12
Re:Re:Re:Exporting data from QBM (mainform and subform) 
True, true, true. But I think we have to agree that the future of this product is not people coming over from DFD anymore. That battle was lost 20 years ago. DataEase need to live up to its name, but not as a copy of DFD. There is more features, bette...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 30/01/15 at 16:42:45
Bug in export 
Hi there,there is this issue with the export function.I have a simple procedure:for TableName ;list records field1 ;field2 ;field3 .for RelatedTable named "tRel" with ID = TableName ID ;li...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by George Washington 05/02/15 at 15:22:00
Re:Bug in export 
In my previous post I was not completely clear: the bug happens if the fields is a virtual field with a derivation....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by George Washington 06/02/15 at 10:39:32
Re:Re:Bug in export 
No update on this?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by George Washington 09/02/15 at 15:17:14
Re:Re:Re:Bug in export 
This export function is Outdated and will not be fixed....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 10/02/15 at 12:04:03
Re:Re:Re:Re:Bug in export 
Hi and thank you for your answer; the function will be replaced by an equivalent one or there will be no way to export data?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by George Washington 10/02/15 at 13:14:01
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bug in export 
Download Sample
Hi again.
I think our reply was a little to generic.
We have just tested export in DQL document and it works fine with Vir...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/02/15 at 11:58:01
Error message when trying to save DQL with .export 
I have simple procedure that works both in Dataease for Dos and DEW 7.2. I have converted a customer database from 7.2 to 8.5 and get the following error. The procedure reads: for Subsriptions with Internet ID No. not = blank and any Customer...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Wim 19/02/15 at 09:03:19
Re:Error message when trying to save DQL with .export 
Dear Wim.When you get a GPF on something like this the problem is most likely in the underlying table, as this happens when you compile/save the DQL it is most likely in the table structure. Try to open the table in design mode, add a text fiel...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 19/02/15 at 09:06:21
Re:Re:Error message when trying to save DQL with .export 
I have tried as suggested and added a text field in the table but when I try to save it as suggested it returns "Error 503 Adding Field - Missing operator in formula" . I have tried this several time but each time I get the same message.&nbs...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Wim von der Becke 23/02/15 at 11:06:42
Re:Re:Re:Error message when trying to save DQL with .export 
It sounds like the problem is in you exiting table. Is this a migrated or converted table?If there is a pre-existing problem then it will typically GPF.If it is a migrated app it can be related to , or . in numbers in derivations etc....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/02/15 at 11:18:40
StringReplace(), CHR(), LastC() and ConCat() used to reformat number to export number 
Download Sample
This is quite straightforward but as it again showcase some of our new functions we'll happy to showcase it.
We simply added th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 28/02/15 at 15:00:40
export table in a TXT with fixed length 
Hi DataEase, we have a problem when we try to export a file into a TXT file that MUST have a fixed length. It means that each fields of the output record have a specific length. It happens that sometimes on some fields DataEase does not respect the le...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 02/03/15 at 10:49:58
Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
We are sorry but this is not something that we can test or check out. We take your word for it, but this DQL is pushing the envelop for this functionality....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/03/15 at 14:16:23
Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
Sounds like you have a bug carried over from and introduced in DataEase 7, it's the reason I have 7 databases still on dataease 6.52. The bug was reported but the old dataease team ignored it.I've not tried it yet in 8 as so far i've just...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 02/03/15 at 14:30:06
Re:Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
It was a long time ago now so can't look up my findings on the old forum. It might have been all fields now i think, i think what i found was spaces were added to FIXEd length fields, but not to variable length. My only historical notes on...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 02/03/15 at 15:12:39
Re:Re:Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
Simplicity does it. It is no point sending us long DQL's without an application. We need a clue, as we can't replicate every possible and impossible problem.Simons clue gave us a lead, and the export function gets it wrong.Memo is far ou...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/03/15 at 19:55:29
Re:Re:Re:Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
As it is number fields and memo fields that has problems (one way or the other), simply convert them to text before exporting them and they will be fine.
The DQL...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 03/03/15 at 08:33:37
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
No. My table has only text and numeric string fields. Anyway I've tried to use ToText()on the export-dql also on the numeric string fields but the problems remains unchanged....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 03/03/15 at 13:50:41
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
Mr DataEase: I'm glad I gave you a clue and got you on the right track, even more glad you found it, maybe my memory is better thasn i thought :DMarco: Do what I did back in 2010 and note all fields that are adding a space, then look at th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 03/03/15 at 14:38:57
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:export table in a TXT with fixed length 
Mr DataEase: I'm glad I gave you a clue and got you on the right track, even more glad you found it, maybe my memory is better thasn i thought :DMarco: Do what I did back in 2010 and note all fields that are adding a space, then look at th...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Simon B 03/03/15 at 14:38:57
Fields order on DBE and exporting with ExecDQL 
Export via DQL would definitely solve this problem and I might be intentionally obtuse when I say I don't understand what you mean when you say that this function is particularly slow... ;-)You mean of course the horrible export to file stuff t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 23/06/15 at 21:13:15
Re:Re:tree structure - and expectations.. 
Hi Afonso.There is no limit for what you can ask for on here, but I think there need to be "realistic" expectations to how much time people can set aside to "help". Quick problems where someone is in the know, and can point you in the right di...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/08/15 at 09:37:30
Formatting of export in ExecDQL 
Been sleeping in class again Arul? ;-)It is a long time since ExecDQL surpassed traditional DQL when it comes to opportunities for both design on output, output methods and formatting of Exports.ExecDQL even surpass DFD in this a...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 17/11/15 at 07:29:30
Re:Formatting of export in ExecDQL 
Yes, you are right. I fell asleep as DataEase functions are getting way too much :-)Anyways, problem I am facing. My client running 8.1. So, I can only use what is available in that version.They are into the application deep way t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 17/11/15 at 14:11:31
Re:Re:Formatting of export in ExecDQL 
Again, problem with ExecDQL. We cannot check for syntax errors.- will this feature be enabled one day ?...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Kensington 17/11/15 at 15:11:50
Re:Re:Formatting of export in ExecDQL 
Again Sleeping in class are we ;-)Of course you can check for syntax, there is absolute 0% difference in the checking of Syntax in ExecDQL and "tradtional" DQL. You get the same "errors" in...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/11/15 at 09:58:14
Re:Re:Re:Formatting of export in ExecDQL 
To make and ExecDQL editor with the same level of "complexity" as the Traditional (DFW) editor can be done in an hour by anyone.Syntax checking is there and has always been there on the exact same level as for traditional DQL, only difference i...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/11/15 at 10:08:37
DataEase 4.2 data export to Excel 
Would anyone one here know if DataEase 8.2 is able to open a DBM file from version 4.2? I'm looking to export all the info to an Excel spread sheet. ...

Product: DataEase for Windows 5.x and before.... Written by Paul Motta 23/11/15 at 18:51:41
Re:DataEase 4.2 data export to Excel 
8.2 will be able to migrate data from 5.x so you will need to migrate you 4.2 to 5.x first.The best option is simply to export the data directly to a CSV from 4.2...

Product: DataEase for Windows 5.x and before.... Written by Christine Porteous 24/11/15 at 14:38:15
Re:Re:DataEase 4.2 data export to Excel 
Thanks I'll give it a try. ...

Product: DataEase for Windows 5.x and before.... Written by Paul Motta 24/11/15 at 14:44:51
DataEase Licensing Terms Explained 
Dear Mr. Zakaria. Firstly, your reply itself make it clear to us that you have acted as you believed to be correct but: DataEase as a software is 35 years old and with changing times and changing technology also Licensing terms change....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 02/01/16 at 13:44:39
Error when exporting data ot a txt-file 
Hiuse De8.2.1700, Windows 7. Get error when exporting to txt-file (Norwegian): Programnavn med feil: DataEase.exe, versjon:, tidsangivelse: 0x547736fa (feil=error, tidsangivelse=dating))Modulnavn med feil: deobje...

Product: . Written by Per Bruvold 08/01/16 at 13:16:44
Re:Error when exporting data ot a txt-file 
Sadly, this doesn't tell us anything as it is GPF and it is WIndows reporting the location.What did you try to do i.e. what function did you use?Did you export from a DQL, From a form, did you use ExecDQL or did you use ExportData()?<b...

Product: . Written by DataEase 08/01/16 at 14:31:52
Re:Re:Error when exporting data ot a txt-file 
Sorry I didn't explained enough, but here is what I do:I'm running DQL from a form. It shows up i window (print detail: Text, Report form expansion: Expand layout, Copies: 1, Range: All records, page from 1 to 9999) When cliking...

Product: . Written by Per Bruvold 11/01/16 at 11:40:21
Re:Re:Re:Error when exporting data ot a txt-file 
Why this happens is hard to say without seeing the application.Is it the last records that are missing or is it in the middle?We tested this (in 8.5 however, but shouldn't really have changed) and it worked fine.However, there i...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 11/01/16 at 13:48:34
Export data from DE652 
Hi,I have been given the task of exporting data from my customers' dataease database as we want to use it to pre-populate a website mysql db with their product range. I know they are running DE 6.52. A csv or similar would be ideal.I don...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by ian bowler 13/01/16 at 23:25:57
Re:Export data from DE652 
Hi IanThere is no separate Developer software in a standard 6.52 system, you will need to get into Developer mode though.Sometimes the developer will leave a route from the User side into the Developer side via the normal menus but the l...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 14/01/16 at 08:13:45
Re:Export data from DE652 
Morning Peter,Thank you for the fast response. I am just setting up a lab here to test with. I have an old email address for the developer that i will try and see if he can give me details for the login.I am guessing there isn't a nice w...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by ian bowler 14/01/16 at 08:35:41
Re:Export data from DE652 
We have a service that will give you access to the application as a developer/find the developer Password.
You find it in our shop.
Go To Shop...

Product: DataEase 6.x. Written by DataEase 14/01/16 at 08:03:15
Re:Re:Re:Re:Error message when trying to save DQL with .export 
I'm having this same issue with error 503. I'm working in DE8.5 with a new build. ie not a migration or conversion. The table i'm working with was just created a few days ago.Has anyone else run into this issue?Kevin...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Kevin O'Donnell 15/06/16 at 13:06:42
DQL export using MemoExecDQL with 2 tables 
The attached DQL export data from 2 different dataease tables but if i use it as normal DQL procedure it works perfectly but if i try to use it via MemoExecDQL it doesn't works. Why? Thanks (DataEase version ...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 27/06/16 at 08:04:12
Re:DQL export using MemoExecDQL with 2 tables 
Hi Marco.The DQL export feature in "traditional DFW DQL" was an addendum made in DFW 5.x simply because you didn't have native export in DFW DQL.ExecDQL has native export and does not support the .export to as this is done directly in...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 29/06/16 at 18:17:28
Re:Re:DQL export using MemoExecDQL with 2 tables 
Hi DataEase,ExecDQL works fine even if I use .export directly in the function. It doesn't work only if I have two different table as originally requested.using MemoExecDQL(DQL,"","","","","")...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 06/07/16 at 14:08:15
Re:Re:Re:DQL export using MemoExecDQL with 2 tables 
We are really sorry but this version of DataEase 8 is too old.The last version of 8.2 was released close on 2 years ago and all the issues you have are resolved in 8.5.export is a deprecated feature and will not be fixed or amended in any...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 06/07/16 at 19:37:56
Re:Re:Re:Re:DQL export using MemoExecDQL with 2 tables 
Just to illustrate.
8.5 will also handle nested for sentences etc.

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 06/07/16 at 19:53:06
I wanded to install the latest trail version, but when I start, it says the liecence is expiered. 

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by Rainer 22/08/16 at 16:46:22
Re:I wanded to install the latest trail version, but when I start, it says the liecence is expiered. 
Hi. It is not a new trial it is just a "ready made" trial where you install it with a generic trial key. Everything else is same as on the other one and you can simply upgrade to a full version by getting a valid key.The trial use a new method...

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by DataEase 22/08/16 at 18:37:07
Generating a DQL export with a double records output 
Hi dataease, I have some trouble to generate an export from a file that can produce more than one record in output. For example Look at this simple dql:define "Type" text 5 .for TableA ; if (fieldA + FieldB) >0 then assign...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 13/12/16 at 15:21:44
Re:Generating a DQL export with a double records output 
The simplest way to do this is to do it the manual way.Forget about list records and export and simply create the file on the fly.WriteToFile()<a href="*WriteToFile*...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/12/16 at 20:50:56
MemoExecDql used to export the document to PDF. 
Need to print A4 report landscape format. Has made some effort, but could not generate another or vertically (portrait). Are there any opportunities for change style settings to the desired format....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Tor Einar Nerland 05/01/17 at 09:44:29
Re:New Sample : ExecDQL, LabelExecDQL, MemoExecDQL Showcased and explained!!! 
this is all very nice.Does it work with "any" as well? Examplefor PERSONALwith( Austritt >= data-entry Field1 orAustritt = blank ) andEintritt <= data-entry Field1 andFreigabe = "J"and<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 19/03/17 at 19:44:04