Procedural Command
The output command is included solely for compatibility with previous versions of Dataease that were unable to have multiple list records statements. The entry is included here for completeness.
The output command tells DataEase which items to display in the procedure output for each record processed by a scriptScript. The items you output can include a fieldname, constant value, a variable or any other expression you want to include in the layout of your report.
outputFIELDNAME | "TEXT" ;|. end
The output command lets you specify fields and/or text to be included in the report. Text values must be enclosed in quotation marks. Each item listed in the output command must be followed by a semicolon except the last, which is followed by a period. (.)
A script can contain any number of output commands. For each output command, DataEase automatically creates a separate subform object in the body of the layout.
list records
if STATUS = exempt then
output :
401K ;
output :
This example tells DataEase: (1) Process every EMPLOYEE record, listing the first and last name and employment status, (2) if the employee's status is exempt, output the values in the 401K, HEALTH PLAN, and STOCK OPTIONS fields, and (3) if the employee's status is anything other than exempt (in this case hourly), output the values in the ANNUAL BONUS and OVERTIME RATE fields.
See Also
On the forum about output
how can I print the data-entry field in the header of the output

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 29/08/13 at 19:14:54
We will launch DE8 Reporter later this year that will make reporting/printing etc. as simple and intuitive as it should be.
The old DQL/QBM printing reporting is retained in DE8 Classic for backwards compatibility reasons and it will work...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Tech Sup 30/08/13 at 07:29:45
define "retval" text.
with ( Austritt >= data-entry Stichtag or Austritt = blank ) and
KST between data-entry KST to data-entry KST_bis and
Eintritt <= data-entry Stichtag ;

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 30/08/13 at 18:51:56
Hi Rainer.
I think you might be in luck. The first nationalised version of DE8 will be German and it is almost ready.
In fact it has been ready in principle almost 6 months, but we needed to get a full release before we could c...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase Tech Sup 31/08/13 at 07:08:10
you can also use:
if(spellweekday( weekday(Datum))="Sunday","Sonntag",if(spellweekday(weekday(Datum))="Monday","Montag",if( spellweekday( weekday(Datum))="Tuesday","Dienstag",if( spellweekday( weekday(Datum))="Wednesday","Mittwoch",if( spe...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Alfred Gloor 31/08/13 at 09:35:18
list records in dql, but not printoutput 
If you need a "list records" in a DQL, but there sould be no output, you need the "in order" to account a result fore "enter a record", how can I do it. I have to page down all records on the window-output. if I delete the Layout, the procedure does...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 11/09/13 at 20:15:28
Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
Hi Rainer.
The "traditional" DQL implementation in DFW has always been a "pain". It was never done properly back in 1994 and it has always let the product down.
PRISM (The Database/backend) and the GUI was supposed to be proper...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 12/09/13 at 06:48:10
Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
Sorry! I guess I didn't completely answer your question in clear words.
ExecDQL doesn't generate any output except a CSV export file if you input a file name in the function.
History/Idea behind ExecDQL
<a href="http://www.datae...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 12/09/13 at 07:08:17
Re:Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
My example ist a table with sales of artikel and my dqlstatement makes sum records for Articlegroups. It is fast and it is datadriven. Tell me how you would do it in DE8. The new records are entered in the same table as you see.

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 12/09/13 at 21:29:32
Re:Re:Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
Download Sample
Hi again Rainer.
It is a little difficult to use your DQL directly as we don't have the underlaying table it is supposed to manipulate.<...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 13/09/13 at 14:42:12
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
I see that is very useful. Can you call a DQL allso like this?

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 14/09/13 at 20:15:23
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
Yes, ExecDQL is just DQL without the Data-Entry form and the GUI body.
The syntax is the same and you can use all the same functions. The only main difference is that it generates no output (except a CSV file which is very quick way to ex...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/09/13 at 07:16:50
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
I tried but i did not get it going. My statment:
The Form/record my sample starts: The Fileds: MANR ,Eintritt ,Urlaubsanspruch
"Execute Funktion/Derivation"
ExecDQL("enter a record in BEWEGUNGEN MANR := data-entry field...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 15/09/13 at 18:43:29
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:list records in dql, but not printoutput 
This is why you need to use MemoExecDQL() and not ExecDQL
ExecDQL is the "simple" form, but as DQL use " quite a lot and the input value of ExecDQL is Text, you need to concatinate in or use a field as input.

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/09/13 at 09:48:35
HTML output does not match the body layout. 
Hello DataEase forum!Since I am unsure in HTML is here is my question: I have a memo field (HTML Edit) by I created a layout (Body), inclusive of the field variables of the DQL. This is simple and works flawlessly. In the Layout Body variables (pl...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by 07/11/15 at 07:02:22
Re:HTML output does not match the body layout. 
Without seeing specifically what you try to do it is a little had to give specific advice, but this is a great opportunity to give some general ones at least.As you might have guessed already, DE85 development (the product itself) is very much...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 08/11/15 at 12:55:29
Issue with summed values line of output in Preview and Memo-AdvancedWebField 
I have a procedure with 8 'item sum' fields and an output that is set for a landscape size, however, when I output to Preview or Memo-AdvancedWebField it drops some of the summed values, at the bottom of the report, to a second&nbs...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rob Birney 10/03/16 at 11:31:53
Re:Issue with summed values line of output in Preview and Memo-AdvancedWebField 
I gather the output is HTML?The "brilliance" of outputting to HTML into the WebField is that you can override any preset behaviour. The flow of the output is governed by the object and the styling set for the object.The styling...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 10/03/16 at 12:57:00
Generating a DQL export with a double records output 
Hi dataease, I have some trouble to generate an export from a file that can produce more than one record in output. For example Look at this simple dql:define "Type" text 5 .for TableA ; if (fieldA + FieldB) >0 then assign...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 13/12/16 at 15:21:44
Re:Generating a DQL export with a double records output 
The simplest way to do this is to do it the manual way.Forget about list records and export and simply create the file on the fly.WriteToFile()<a href="*WriteToFile*...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/12/16 at 20:50:56
Formating html output 
please explain the right way do do the Formating. I have problems with the html editor. The result is changing with savingI marked the wrong line brown<p>Anwesenheit &#160;[{Tag}]<br />.header Group</p><p...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 18/03/17 at 23:55:08
Re:Formating html output 

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 19/03/17 at 00:18:06
Re:Re:Formating html output 
The HTMLEditor and ExecDQL is not "compatible". Some times we can't catch up with ourselves... The HTML editor was included to allow users to store formatted (HTML) documents in Memos. Up til then you could basically just hav...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 19/03/17 at 19:37:13
Re:Re:HTML output does not match the body layout. 
May I have the possibility to download this sample? Thanks. ...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Marco Marchesi 06/03/19 at 13:51:50
DQL no output 
I have a DQL with list records in it and do not want an output.I did it like this, but still get the output in Window and have to page down to the end.<img src="...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 17/12/23 at 09:56:29
Re:DQL no output 
<img src="...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/12/23 at 10:23:55
Re:Re:DQL no output 
So the solution in DFW 8.5 is to write to a printer that is connected to a null. But the "no output" option was introduced in DFW 8.5. without a funktion?Thank you for a short answer....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 18/12/23 at 14:08:37
Re:Re:Re:DQL no output 
If you want it to work "as is" the best way is to print to a null device.The best way of solving this in 8.5 is to run it as an ExecDQL which is both faster and give no output whatsoever if you don't want it to....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 18/12/23 at 16:00:23
On the blog about output
DataEase 8 - Important Fix - Layout/Output/Orientation/WYSIWYG - Reports/DQL/Print (Ver. 
There has been a "nasty" bug in DataEase 8 when calling a procedure/report from a script/DQL/Button where the Print Settings has been ignored and the output is done to default settings.The problem was old and go back to the "beginning" of Data...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 06/03/13 at 12:38:15
How to create a multi column output using a data view 
A data view in DG3 outputs a sequence of data from a live table, a live dql or a live transfer. To make these data list in one column is easy just using a standard table and setting a <table> tag in view header and </table> in view foo...

Product: DataEase Generation 3. Written by DataEase Development 23/08/13 at 07:18:10
New Sample - DQL with no output and the superiority of ExecDQL over traditonal DQL... You won't believe it! 
Download Sample
If you are just looking for a way to "fool" DataEase into not generating any visual output there is several ways, just remember that all...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 16/09/13 at 13:31:43
LegEasy4DOS: How to map drives in session for input/output and use them to take a backup. 
In this video we show you how you set up a session and map the default input/output drives.
LegEasy4DOS run in i...

Product: LegEasy DOS. Written by DataEase 15/06/16 at 14:34:22