The “Relationships” form lets you define a link between any two database tables, providing the tables contain one or more identical columns (called Match fields). When tables are related, you can combine data from these tables in a form or report and use the DataEase lookup feature to automatically enter data in record entry forms built over these tables.
1. Choose menu option: Application>>Relationships. DataEase displays the “Relationships” form;
2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the field beneath “Records in”. Choose the name of the database table for the first form. Press <Tab>. Click the drop-down arrow beside the next field, and choose the name of the second table. Press <Tab>;
3. Enter the Match field(s) on which the relationship is based;
4. Click the drop-down arrow, choose the name of the Match field for the first form in the first column, and press <Tab>;
5. Click the drop-down arrow, choose the name of the second Match field, and press <Tab>;
6. Enter any other pairs of Match fields you want to use;
7. Type the Custom Relationship Name (optional, but recommended);
8. If the two forms constitute a Multiform, choose the Referential Integrity option in the Referential Integrity field (under the Sub-form table name);
9. Click <Save> at the bottom of the Relationships form, and then click <Done> to close the form.
Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by George Washington 11/04/14 at 08:26:17
Product: DataEase 8 Reporter. Written by eduardo paez 02/05/14 at 14:40:11
Product: . Written by Marco Marchesi 15/02/16 at 14:50:46
Product: . Written by Grossi Gioacchino 18/11/19 at 14:33:44
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 22/03/21 at 11:13:10
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 08/06/21 at 14:12:40