DataEase lets you copy one or more documents from one DataEase application into another. You can also copy one or more DataEase Express for Windows documents into a DataEase application without affecting the source application.
1. Choose menu option: Application>>Utilities>>Install;
2. Choose the install type option “Single Document”;
3. Click on the “Documents” button. DataEase displays the “Document” dialog, which lets you search for the document you want to install. Alternatively, DataEase lets you manually enter the filename and pathname in the Document File Name (.FRM) text box;
4. In the “Document” dialog, select the document you want to install and click <OK>. DataEase enters the document name in the “Document File Name (.FRM)” text box. If the form defines the table, DataEase enters the table name in the “Table Definition File Name (.TDF)” text box;
5. To include data files with the form and table, check “Include Data for table” option. DataEase automatically displays the data filename in the “Data File Name (.DBM)” text box;
6. To store the system messages in a file, check “Log Messages to File” option;
7. Click <OK>. DataEase installs the selected document and displays the Install Finished dialog. Click <Yes> to view the Message Log File, or click <No> to close the dialog.
Product: DataEase for Windows 7.x. Written by George Washington 11/04/14 at 08:26:17
Product: DataEase 8 Reporter. Written by eduardo paez 02/05/14 at 14:40:11
Product: . Written by Marco Marchesi 15/02/16 at 14:50:46
Product: . Written by Grossi Gioacchino 18/11/19 at 14:33:44
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 22/03/21 at 11:13:10
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rainer 08/06/21 at 14:12:40