Simplicty and flexibility!



Function that will automatically refresh all status/info/system documents in DE8. You can now run this function and after you will be sure that all these info tables are up to date.

This is very useful if you use the Status Tables for programming or information purposes. We use the as basis for manipulation of data throughout the table, as well as input in UserMode based Editors etc.


Same options as in File Menu.

None : will refresh all status tables.
Records : Records Info (FRM, TDF, DBM)
Server  : Tables with Server connection information
Documents : All documents in system
Imports : All Imports in system with filename

Tables : All Columns(Fields) in system pr Table with Properties (Virtual, Unique, indexed etc)

Actions NEW: All Actions in system pr Document with full Action script
DQLs : All DQLs in System 
OMLs : All OML scripts in system pr. Document
Objects : Detailed Description of All objects in system pr. Document
Derivations : All Derivations in system pr. Document
Ranges : All Ranges in system pr. Document





See Also

On the forum about RefreshStatus


if I go to Application, Status, Refresh, the system opens a window “Application Status Error” which says “An error was encountered while generating Records Information”. And then a second window appears with the same header “Application Status Error”...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Henry Gondorf 06/01/16 at 12:39:55


Thanks for pointing this out. It is simply a bug in the later betas of 8.5. We have put it on the list and it will be fixed prior to release.Thank you again....

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 06/01/16 at 17:22:50


Thank you for getting back to me.I had thought initially that I had a fault in an application that I was working on and I wasn’t looking forward to trawling through every form to identify the problem. I look forward to the new release.I...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Henry Gondorf 07/01/16 at 11:31:42

On the blog about RefreshStatus

New Function in 8 - RefreshStatus() - Refresh all status/info tables (Ver.

New function that refresh the status/info tables in DE8. The Status Info tables have been a little cryptic, but we have now normalised them so that they are tables like every other DataEase table.You can create relationship with t...

Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 30/07/13 at 17:31:28
