in 8.5 the goal is to think and act outside the traditional DataEase "box". With Remote() we give you the ability to read data from Remote data-sources like the new DataEase Server, and with Get() we allow you to read localized infomation i.e. from files and environment variables etc.
The first "major" functionality to be implemented in Get() is to read DFD Repositories like Reports (both 4.x and 5.x) and then based on the information gathered read out the DQL Code (Script) and Body Formatting.
This function is only available in DE8.5.1.1995 or later.
PS! Please update to version later than 2281 to get make sure all listed features are available.
Keyword (@): All Keywords start with @:
@DFDDQLNr : Return the number of DQL's in REPOxAAA.DBM. ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLnr","C:\MyApp\REPOAAAA.DBM") @DFDDQLName: Return the name of a numbered DQL in the Repostiory. ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLName","C:\MyApp\REPOAAAA.DBM","6") @DFDDQLPath: Return the path of a numbered DQL in the Repostiory. ex. DEOS("@DFDDQPath","C:\MyApp\REPOAAAA.DBM","6") @DFDDQLSet: Read the DQL Script and Body out of the DBR file and set it in two memos in the local form.. ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLName","C:\MyApp\CUSTAAAA.DBR","MyDQLMemo","MyBodyMemo") @DFDDQLPrism: Read the DQL Script and Body out of the DBR file and set it in two PRISM Memos (Processing). ex. DEOS("@DFDDQLName","C:\MyApp\CUSTAAAA.DBR",MyDQLMemo,MyBodyMemo) |
@AppIniGet |
String | Returns the app ini setting based on in rdrrXaaa.ini found in the application folder - Section - The ini section where this setting is found, this is seen as [SECTION NAME] in the ini file - Key - The key found in the defined section. This is seen as KeyName= in the ini file - [Default] - The value to return if no setting is found in the ini file |
@AppIniSet | String | Sets the app ini value in rdrrXaaa.ini found in the application folder - Section - The ini section where this setting is found, this is seen as [SECTION NAME] in the ini file - Key - The key found in the defined section. This is seen as KeyName= in the ini file - Value - The value to set (must use string) |
@BrowseForApp | String | Open a new item style dialog (Windows Vista and newer) and let you select a folder. If the folder contains DataEase applications the name of the application is shown. The default is to return the folder selected. Parameters [Optional] - [Start path] where to start to select file. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank. - [Return type] default is to return folder selected but you can use the following to override this: |
@BrowseForAppFile | String | Open a new item style dialog (Windows Vista and newer) and let you select a repository file. If the folder contains DataEase applications the name of the application is shown. The default is to return the folder selected. Parameters [Optional] - [Type] now or old style rdrr file. Default is old style. - [Start path] where to start to select file. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank. - [Return type] default is to return folder selected but you can use the following to override this: |
@BrowseForFile | String | Open a new item style dialog and let you select a file. The file path is then returned. Parameters [Optional] - [Start path] where to start to select file. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank. - [Filter] what files to display in dialog. Default is All files (*.*)|*.* that will list all files. To set you own, use the format My description|*.ext;My other description|*.other Ex: DEOS("@BrowseForFile","Images (*.png)|*.png;All files|(*.*)") - [Settings] no implemented yet. For future use |
@BrowseForFolder | String | Open a new item style dialog and let you select a folder. The file path is then returned. Parameters [Optional] - [Start path] where to start to select folder. The dialog remembers the last selection, so this parameter usually are left blank. - [Settings] no implemented yet. For future use |
@CallAction | Nothing | deos("@callaction",actionno,param) ActionNo = Action number in action list. Param = Arguments for action (extended). |
@ChangeLicense | Change the license key in DataEase to a new one. Can be done in dialog or by supplying the new license. Parameters [Optional] - [LicenseKey] Ex. DEOS("@ChangeLicense",GetValue("NewLicense")) will change your license to the one supplied in the field NewLicense. It will only be changed if this is a valid license. |
@CopyDirectory | Nothing | Copy a directory and all subdirectories to a new folder Parameters - from path - to path |
@CopyFile | Nothing | Copy a file to a directory or over another file Parameters - file to cpoy - path to copy to or file name to copy to |
@CreateDirectory | Nothing | Created a directory at given path. Parameters - path Only creates the path if parent directory exists. |
@ClearAppKey | Clear the Generated AppKey in RDRRxAAA | |
@CreateShortcut | Create a shortcut used for starting an anplication Parameters - path to executable file - working directory - startup arguments - linkfile (can be absolute if next parameter is blank) recognized by windows (ex. "myapp.lnk") - addto (can be blank, "Desktop" or "Programs"). If programs is used, use a relative path to the link file to add to a specific program group. - iconpath path to a .ico file or to exe/dll file with the icons to use - iconidx the index to the icon to use in the file pointed to by iconpath Ex: DEOS("@CreateShortcut","C:\Program Files (x86)\DataEase\DataEase 8.5\dataease.exe","",StringEscape("/'C:\Users\myuser\Documents\My DataEase\MyApp/' TheApp"),"TheApp.lnk","Desktop","C:\Program Files\App with icons\IconApp.exe",0) will add you app in the on the desktop with the name TheApp and use the first icon in the IconApp.exe as the application icon. |
@DeleteDirectory | Nothing | Delete an empty directory or by adding second the files as well. Use with caution. Parameters - path to directory - [allfiles=yes] Ex. DEOS("@DeleteDirectory","C:\Users\Per\Documets\DataEaseApp","allfiles=yes") will remove all files and the directory without any warning. As a precaution, the path has to be at least 10 chars long. |
@DeleteFile | Nothing | Delete a file Parameters - file path name |
@DirectoryEmpty | yes/no | Check if a directory with the given path is empty. Return yes if exists and empty and no for exists and not empty. Return blank if not exists. Parameters - path |
@DirectoryExists | yes/no | Check if a directory with the given path exists. Return yes for exists and no for not exists. Parameters - path |
@FileExists | yes/no | Checks for a file. If the file exists, yes is returned and else no is returned. A directory named the same as the file given will return no. Use @DirectoryExists to check for directories. Paramers - File pah |
@GetAppKey | String | Get the UNIQUE application key for this application. 8.6 onwards. |
@GetBrowsedAppName |
String |
Returns the application name returned by the previous call to @BrowseForApp. |
@GetBrowsedAppPath | String | Returns the folder returned by the previous call to @BrowseForApp. |
@GetBrowsedAppVersion | String | Return a version identifier. The currently supported version is DfW 8.5, DfW 7, DfW 7, DfW6, DfD 5, DfD 4.5 |
@NewApp | Nothing | Let you create an app by supplying Folder, Name, UserName, Password and App template as parameters. The application is opened after creating in a new DataEase instance. The Default template will be used if none given. To not use a template, use the template name "<none>". |
@OpenApp | Nothing | Let you open an app by supplying Folder, Name, [UserName], [Password] and [DefaultDoc] as parameters. The application is opened in a new DataEase instance. |
@PinToStart | Add a application link to the new Start menu in Windows >8 Parameters - path to folder - file Ex. DEOS("@PinToStart","%USERPROFILE%Desktop","MyApp.lnk") will add the MyApp link at you desktop to the new Start | |
@PinToTaskbar | Add a application link to the Taskbar in Windows >8 - path to folder - file Ex. DEOS("@PinToTaskbar","%USERPROFILE%Desktop","MyApp.lnk") will add the MyApp link at you desktop to the Taskbar. | |
@RenameApp | String | Let you rename an application of any version (4.53DOS-8.5Win) by parameters: - Path - Old name - New name Return nothing if rename is done and the reason for not renaming if there was an error. |
@RestartApp | Nothing | Will restart the app with the same credentials. To be used when changes that need restart to take effect has been done ex. changes/additions to RDRRxAAA.INI either manually or automatically. |
@SetBrowsedAppPath | Nothing | Set the path used for reading application information. This can be used to get the @GetBrowsedAppName and @GetBrowsedAppVersion from a path without having to browse for the files using GUI. |
@SetFileTime | Nothing | Set the file last changed time and date Parameters - file path - string with date and time in the format used by DataEase at your location Ex. 17/03/2016 09:32:02 for UK The date format uses the format set on your computer, but you can override this by using prefix if you want to use a hard coded time stamp. The supported prefix are: ISO:YYYY/MM/DDThh:mm:ss Ex. ISO:2016/03/22T03:14:15 I:DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss Ex. I:22/3/2016 3:14:15 M:YYYY/MM/DDThh:mm:ss Ex. M:2016/3/22 3:14:15 N:MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss Ex. 3/22/2016 3:14:15 |
@UnPinFromStart | Remove a application link from the new Start menu in Windows >8 - path to folder - file Ex. DEOS("@UnPinFromStart","C:\Windows","notepad.exe") will remove the notepad.exe link from your new start menu | |
@UnPinFromTaskbar | Remove a application link from the Taskbar in Windows >8 - path to folder - file Ex. DEOS("@UnPinFromTaskbar","C:\Windows","notepad.exe") will remove the notepad.exe link from the Taskbar. | |
@Unzip | Nothing/ Error |
Unzip a compressed file to a directory. If the catalog is not exists, it will be created. Parameters - Zip file - Path to unzip to Zip formats supported are zip. 7z, gzip, bzip2, rar, arj, tar, iso, cab, lzma, lzma86 and more. We supports all format the 7z decompressor supports. Directory will only be created if parent directory exists. |
@Zip | Nothing/ Error |
Zip a directory and sub directory to a file. Parameters - Directory to zip - Zip file name path Zip formats supported for zipping is .zip, .7z, .bz2, .gz, .tar, .swm, .txz and more. We supports all the formats the 7z compressor supports and recognizes as file endings. |
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 19/08/13 at 14:48:10
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 20/08/13 at 15:23:27
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 22/08/13 at 13:24:15
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 05/09/13 at 22:09:35
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 19/09/13 at 17:43:18
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 02/10/13 at 18:38:45
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney, PB Associates 30/12/15 at 12:13:45
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Peter Birney 07/01/16 at 12:57:51
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 07/01/16 at 12:59:47
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by Rob Birney 10/03/16 at 10:56:38
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 10/03/16 at 12:44:17
Product: DataEase 9 Developer. Written by Paul Cheeseman 17/02/23 at 13:21:53
Product: LegEasy 9 Developer. Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 22/06/24 at 16:50:39
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 01/12/15 at 15:04:28
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 15/07/16 at 16:04:24
Product: Dataease [{8}]FIVE. Written by DataEase 05/08/16 at 20:54:28