The best way to figure out a new product is always to get in at the deep and and try it out for yourself.
We have put a lot of work into making LegEay4DOS Professional as Flexible, functional and last but not least easy to use as possible.
To get started you only need a DFD application (4.x or 5.x) and then simply download L4DPRO,
Download LegEasy4DOS Professional FREE TRIAL 14 Days
PS!The trial will be valid for 14 days from you first install it.
You will then get to the startup screen below.
Here you will click on Register a New user. This is not the same user profile as for our Website so everyone need to register.
You can of course use the same credentials as you have on our website.
When you have registered simply click on the New Session Icon on the Home Screen and it will take you directly to the New Session form.
Here you simply click on the Browse for App button and browse your file system for the app you want to run. Remember that a Session is not the same as an application. L4D is a virtual environment that run one or many DFD sessions simultaneously with their own emulated DOS 5.x environment.
As DFD can't access long file names and long paths, we root drives to you catalogues so you DFD can access the directly.
When you have selected and app simply hit save and the picture will change to this.
This is all you have to do to get a working LegEasy4DOS Session.
Now you can simply click Testrun and you should get the DFD Window.
That's it. You are now ready to play.
Now you have default settings for Session, Printers, Drives, Networking etc.
Maybe you need to access a directory or two for import/exporting, set up networking, map printers in the network to local ports or change the size or the look of you DOS window.
All this you can use in the different Tabs in your session.
We will start with Drive mapping.
As we said earlier. You can't access your file system directly simply because DFD can't related to long file names and long paths. You will need to root drives directly to the directories on the drives you want to use and then use the Drive letter allocated inside your session.
The picture below is where you do this.
Simply hit the Browse Path button next to the drive letter you want to allocate and select the directory/drive you want to root.
Printers are by default spooled and if you don't map them you will get the printer dialogue after the print job is finished.
Here you will be able to send the print to any printer available in your system and to PDF etc.
PS! LegEasy4DOS is compatible wiith EPSON MX-80 and IBM Proprinter so if you use the virtual print system you need to configure your print jobs to use one of these or you might end up with "weird" characters in your print jobs.
But one of the "blessings" of DataEase for DOS was the easy way you could allocate print jobs to different printers and this feature is still there in L4D.
Simply go to the Print Mapping Tab and select which printer you want to use for each port and the print will go directly.
You might have spotted a Dropdown behind the Browse Printer button that say Mode. This is the RAW mode button.
If you want to use the automatic (recommended) leave this well alone, but if you have advanced print jobs where you use printer specific commands like PCL5 etc. then you might want to port this job directly to the printer.
If this is the case, then use the original printer setting in DFD and select Raw behind the printer here and the job will be sent directly to the printer.
Beware that you might need to send FormFeed etc as well to get the job started.
The next step is to enable multi user or networking.
LegEasy4DOS use Windows Networking so forget everything about Novell and all that stuff. You need to use Microsoft Networking and the files for that is pre-packed with L4DPRO.
The networking files (CONFIGUR.DAT and DENETWRK.OVL) need to be on a shared drive and all users using the same application need to share the same files.
You don't need to set andy DENAME or DEPATH yourself, but you need to tell the session where these files are located.
You do that it in the Multi-User Tab and the only thing you need to do is to browse to the directory and Save it. If you are not sure you have the correct networking files installed or if you create a new shared catalogue simply hit the Copy FIles button and the necessary files will be copied to your directory.
Now there shouldn't be much more to do other than tailoring the look and feel of your session.
When it was created it was created with a "random" icon simply to make it unique. You might not like the one allocated so then simply go to the Select Icon tab and replace it.
The icon you select will be used in the lists, on top of the session, on the Home Screen and also on the Start Menu and Task Bar if you choose to Pin your session to either of them.
The Session Windows is also set automatically to 75% of your screen width and you will get a bordered window with caption.
On the Home Screen you can select Full Screen or a number of sizes with and without a border/caption.
Here you can also choose to include a username/password to automatically logon to your application as well as a small description of your Session/App.
If this is a Session that you want to use on several workstation, simply change the Session to be used: from Workstation to Shared.
If you look above you will see three buttons on the grey slate.
These buttons is to help you mange your session and to be able to allow your users to start up the Sessions/Apps directly from their Start Menu, Task Bar or Desktop without the need for starting LegEasy4DOS Professional Admin.
Simply click on the blue button if you want a Shortcut on the Desctop, on the Orange one if you want one in Your Start Menu and the Red one if you want it on your Task Bar.
These Short Cuts will start your L4DProf Session directly like any other program and it will look completely "native.
We are now getting close to the end of this quick tour of L4DPRO but we want to quickly mention the Advanced Options.
Here you can select the code page you are using in your DFD and you can also here map the session to your own Legacy DataEase version.
This is done with international DFD users in mind.
There is a myriad of DFD versions in almost every language so instead of shipping all the versions/language files with L4DPRO we allow you to utilise your own.
We have tested with a number of versions but we can't guarantee that all version will work. If you have a version that won't work, ship it too us and we can see if we can tweak the software so it will run.
When we started this project we could only run DFD 5.53 application in English but we have now run all versions from 4.01 through to 5.53 in a number of different languages.
To get your version to work simply browse to your DFD catalogue and pick the de16m.exe file (we only support de16m.exe at the moment, but are looking into supporting DEASE.EXE too).
If you are running 5.x this is everything you have to do.
If you are running 4.x you also need to pick your file as it will need to be tweaked to run due to the Daylight Saving problem.
When you have selected these files, simply save and hit Testrun...
You should now run your DFD app in your native language trouble free.
The rest is the same as for the built in versions of DFD.
In the not so far future you will be able to maintain your subscription etc. directly from inside L4DPRO but for the moment your My Account only contain information about you.
You find it in the dropdown up to the right that look like a torso.
Here you are also able to change your password etc.
No there is only one small thing before we will Logout...
And that is how to change your License Key.
In the Menu to the left you will see an information symbol and About.
Hit it and you will get the About Dialogue.
Simpy click on the Change License button and you will be able to insert your new license key.
Changing your license key will not affect your configured sessions, neither will upgrading to a newer version of L4DPRO.
We wish you the best and hope you enjoy testing L4DPRO as much as we have enjoyed building it.
The best way to figure out a new product is always to get in at the deep and and try it out for yourself.
We have put a lot of work into making LegEay4DOS Professional as Flexible, functional and last but not least easy to use as possible.
To get started you only need a DFD application (4.x or 5.x) and then simply download L4DPRO,
Download LegEasy4DOS Professional FREE TRIAL 14 Days
PS!The trial will be valid for 14 days from you first install it.
LegEasy DOS is a version that should have been around for atleast a quarter of a century. In hindsight, it is easy to say that the biggest mistake DataEase ever did, was not to allow the users to run their applications "as is" in DataEase for Windows.
It was percieved at the time, that Windows and SQL was such different and novel worlds, that the simple ways of DataEase for Dos was simply to outdated and to "shameful" to be be brought along into it. Now 25 years later, we realise that in many ways DFD got it right, where Windows got it wrong.
No. We are not saying that a character based interface is the way forward, or that DFD was better than everything than DFW. We are simply saying that the novel ideas DataEase was built on, is as valid and contemporay today, as they where back in the early 80ies. In DG3 we try to draw the lines from DFD to the computer world as it is in 2012 and beyond. We feel that to be able to do that properly, we need to rectify and old wrong, and show once and for all that you can run DFD "as is" in a modern environment, and that it will be as good, as effective and as "sexy" as it was back then.
Not yet published!
Not yet published.
100% DataEase
LegEasy4DOS Professional is a "pioneer" that showcase the future of DataEase.
No! The future is not retro, and the bit about it that is pioneering is not the fact that you can fun DataEase for DOS applications.
That feature is basically just how it should always have been and a catch-up with our history.
Take a closer look - The entire product is made IN DataEase following up on a "slogan" we had when we sat out to refurbish DataEase.
DataEase need to be made in DataEase!
Published: 19 August 2016
LegEasy4DOS - How it works?
The interest in LegEasy4DOS has been "overwhelming" since we released it at the end of last week.
A lot of eagerly awaiting Professional clients jumped at it and the feedback was not late to come.
Most of you are overjoyed and excited by this opportunity to run DataEase for DOS in a modern environment, and more than happy to scrap your old XP computers and Novell servers that has kept you up at night with worry - when will it draw its last breath and what will I do then?
However not all feedback is good and some of you have been "disappointed" too.
Some of this disappointment is down to us having problem with our server park after the release due to an unexpected heavy load - don't they always say that - but some of you have been running bench mark tests and compared it to "Native" DfD on Native XP, WIndows 7 x32 etc. and the results has baffled you.
Why is it sometimes much slower and then sometimes much faster than the comparison?
In the article below we will try to explain this and how LegEasy4DOS is designed and how it works.
Published: 9 August 2016
LegEasy4DOS Professional Release 05.08.16
The response to our Personal version of L4D has been fantastic and it has given us great motivation in the work leading up to the release of our long awaited Professional version of L4D.
We won't spend too much time extrapolating its virtues here but limit ourselves to announcing it's release and showcase its beauty ;-)
Further down the article you will find the FREE FOR ALL Trial Key you can use to get the first "spin" in this brand new interpretation of DataEase (for DOS).
Published: 5 August 2016
LegEasy 4DOS - Update!
We are and should be very happy when an upcoming release of a DataEase product cause this much of a stir, but it is also a sobering moment.
We obviously still have some catching up to do with our new products before they reach the same popularity as the early versions of DataEase.
Luckily the "re-launch" of DataEase for DOS is part of our DataEase infrastructure strategy so you will now be able to run your legacy apps well into this century when at the same time integrate them with the latest DataEase technology.
Published: 30 April 2016
Try to convert apples into pears and you get a sour lemon.
It is a stark reality, and one that we need to take into account every day that DFD users actually DO prefer DFD over any other DataEase version. DFW was never popular with DFD users, which is a main reason why so many DFD users till prefer and use DFD to this day.
The problem with DFW vs. DFD is "muddled" strategies. The team that developed DFW never wanted to be hampered by the limitations of DFD so all compatibility and shared functionality was forced upon them rather than picked voluntarily. It is no secret that the co-existence between DFD and DFW was an uneasy and unhappy "marriage" .
Published: 24 August 2014
Time for action.
DataEase was born in the US by American ingenuity and it is now coming back home. Over the last 20 years a lot have gone stale in the world of DataEase and for some reason that has been accepted or even expected.
Not so any more!
Our goal is to bring one of the best software and product ideas back to life and to do that we need to work with the living.
Our former US partner told us when we wanted to discuss the future of DataEase with them: "You must understand, DataEase is in the decline in the US....."
Published: 25 January 2013
DataEase is NOT on Hold, it is not even resting....
There has been a lot of aggravation and mistrust directed towards DataEase from its user base over the last years and to be honest it is deserved. After 20 years of promises that was almost never delivered it will take hard work to get people to trust in what we say!
But don't forget one thing, this is not the same company and we are not the same people.
My team and I was not around for those 20 years, we were actually on the outside throwing Molotov Cocktails in through the windows. We could never understand why DataEase couldn't see what everyone else that used or had used DataEase saw and simply fix/add it.
Obviously they never could and never did, but now we do!
Published: 4 January 2013
LegEasy Demo aka DOS 6
Dear Legacy user.
Please find a little teaser on the upcoming LegEasy release. You will then be able to port your DFD app to DG3 and use it independently of DOS, DosBox etc.
You will run your DFD apps in a browser window, and you can run it remotely in any location around the world.
Have a quick look below, and play with this simple sample of a LegEasy form in traditional DFD look. When you have ported the DFD app to LegEasy, you will be able to maintain and use it as before, or you can immediately start "morphing" it into a full blown rich web app.
Your choice!
Enjoy!PS! The picture below is not a picture. It is live! Have a go, and if you need help...hit F4
Published: 18 July 2012
DataEase for Dos and Windows 7 x64
Too good to be true?
Of course not! Everything is possible if you try hard enough so perhaps we haven't really tried that hard before!
More than ever our goal now is to make DataEase work and by that we mean work in every sense of the word - in all possible versions and implementations of DataEase.
Published: 16 November 2011
LegEasy DOS 6, or simply DFD 6.0
It is not yet a reality but it is very quickly becoming a strong probability.
DataEase for DOS is so far the biggest success story in DataEase, and a testimony to this is that out of the more than 3 million installations of this famous old software, several hundred thousands are operational to this day.
Published: 21 October 2011
DataEase for Dos
Originally called Datamaster, DataEase' early hallmark was the ease with which non-programmers found they could rapidly develop useful software applications. DataEase' design emphasized the visual design of screen forms and reports while hiding almost all of the arcane details such as properties of the underlying data structure.
In addition, complex data management processes that would typically require a multitude of complex steps to complete with traditional programming tools were handled automatically and transparently as a user made changes to his/her application. For example, when editing an existing form, if the user removed a field, added another, indexed another and changed the data type of yet another, the necessary steps required to reflect those changes in the data structure underlying the form were automatically and non-destructively applied when the form was saved.
Published: 1 September 2011
How to get Modern Printers to work in DFD 4.53, 5.16,5.53 etc
There is a lot of people out there still using legacy versions of DataEase. It is our new pledge to help them keep their applications working as long as possible.
The reason people give up is not that DFD doesn't offer the functionality they want, but the fact that it stop working together iwith contemporary operating systems, drivers, printers etc.
We have cracked the "Windows 7" problem, and this is the solution to the Printer Problem.
Published: 10 August 2011
Copy/Paste Data-Entry screen in DFD 5.16
Instead of creating the same data-entry screen for more than one procedure, you can create a data-entry once and then copy/paste it into another.
Published: 15 May 2005
Exporting data to EXCEL in DFD 5.16
You can export data stored in DataEase to CSV file that could then be imported into Microsoft EXCEL.
In order to do that follow these steps (if you are using a different version of Dataease for DOS, the same instructions will vary slightly) :
Published: 15 December 2004