Simplicty and flexibility!

DataEase 8.5 - What is new! (Page 1) - Roughly 8.1

This is the first page of 3 where we recapitulate the Blog entries made by our development team through the development from pre 8.0 to 8.5.

We have edited and updated the entries, but the appear in the order they were made and with the ideas, experiences and functionality up to then.

They are listed from oldest to newest and will give you a deep insight into DE85, the thinking, the job and last but need the vast improvement of DataEase.

New Functionality in 8 - Application Printers or Printer Virtualisation introduced (Ver.

Printers as well as printing, has been a constant headache in DataEase for Windows.

There is no way of telling each document where to print, except after installation on a workstation. This is obviously not very satisfactory if you want to distribute yo...


New Function in 8 - MemoCopy() - Copies, Appends, or inserts a field into a Memo (Ver.

Simple little function that allow you to append, insert or copy a "normal" DataEase field into a Memo field.

See MemoMemoCopy() for more information.

int MemoCopy(MemoToCopyTo,FieldToCopy,switch) Swtitch: 0=Append 1=Overwrite/copy 2=Insert at start....


New Function in 8 - MemoMemoCopy() - Copy, Insert or Append a Memo to another (Ver.

This little function is together with MemoReplace() almost the centrepiece of the Memo Class.

As you might have already discovered, normal DataEase functions like Jointext, Firstc, MidC or even Concat, doesn't go very far when it comes to Memo fields.



New Function in 8 - MemoReplace() - Replace a string in a memo. Wake up, this is important! (Ver.

So what is so important with a simple Replace function?

Everything! This is how you can really manipulate your Memo's to behave the way you want them too.

It is called Memo Class for a reason, it is in combination they become powerful!

Imagine now that...


New Function in 8 - MemoChunk() function to unwind a Memo field (Ver.

We have now looked at a lot of functions that manipulate,extend, copy and append to a Memo field.

What about "normalising" it again. A lot of you traditionalist, don't and never will trust a memo field, and anyhow, even us "extremists" can't use traditio...


Changed Functionality in 8 - Virtual Memo fields allowed - Greatest feature so far! (Ver.

On thing that amaze me when I work with DataEase for Windows, is how "moralistic" it is.

If I bought a tool (most of you have stolen it, so you can't complain ;-) and paid good money for it, I would hate it, if it didn't do what I wanted, but instead was...


Changed Functionality in 8 - Editable Virtual Fields, part of the WhyNot? Project (Ver.

We are now in the middle of the WhyNot? Project. Here we will look at existing "limiting" DataEase functionality and see if there is any good reason for the limitations.

In the beginning I thought there was a good reason for all these limitations, but th...


Changed Functionality in 8 - <New Relationship> can now create any relationship! (Ver.

Some times one is allowed to be egotistical...especially if one is in charge of DataEase Development...

One thing that annoy me beyond belief is unnecessary restrictions and obstacles, and to be honest DFW have had its fair share of them.

I am a liberal...


New Function 8 - StringReplace() - Replace a string inside another string. (Ver.

A useful little function.

If you did a mistake, have changed name, address etc, why not simply find and replace.

Simple find and replace...

text StringReplace(StringToReplaceIn,StringToReplace,StringToReplaceWith)



New Function in 8 - StringFind() - Check if a string is part of another string (Ver.

Returns start position of StringToFind i.e larger than 0 if a string is part of a text. Returns 0 if it isn't.

int StringFind(StringToSearch,StringTofind)

It is a complimentary function to *string* which is a simply boolean function.

With StringFind y...


New Function in 8 - MemoFind() - Returns the occourrence in a Memo of search. (Ver.

Such a simple function, but already such an important function.

This is the missing freetext search in DataEase.

As you know, you cannot search Memo fields in DataEase up and including 7.2, but then again Memo is just a Memo...for notes. Nobody want to...


New Functionality in 8 - New Application from Template (Ver. 8.0.01037)

No rest for the Wicked.

Almost a new year, but DataEase development is still going strong. No big wonder maybe, as our DataEase 8 developers are located in StP and the Russians celebrate according to the Orthodox calendar, next update will hence be mid J...


New Functionality in 8 - WebField Text - Simple webfield that display the URL as a WebPage (Ver.

This is the fist WebField, but still rather powerful.

The WebField Text, is based on a normal DataEase text field, and the expected content of the text field is a URL. (This can be a file path to a document etc...)

When activated the WebField will try t...


New function in 8 - MemoWriteToFile() - Write the content of a memo to a text file (Ver. 8.0.01053)

This function is part of a pair, where the opposite is MemoReadFromFile.

It is implemented to allow users to export the content of a memo to a text file.

So why would we want to do that?

With the new Memo manipulation class, memos can be manipulated in...


New Function in 8 - MemoReadFromFile() - Read the content of a text file to a Memo (Ver.

This is the complimentary function to MemoWriteToFile, and it simply read the content of a File into a Memo field.

It reads it as Text. If you read an HTML file, it will display as HTML code in a normal Memo Editbox field, and as the Webpage in a WebFiel...


New Functionality in 8 - WebField Memo- Web Browser object on top of a Memo (Ver.

The WebField comes in many different guises.

The original one, is based on a text field, and simply load the webpage indicated by the URL into a WebField object.

The WebField Memo is a little more "advanced". It display the content of a Memo field as a...


New Functionality in 8 - HTMLEdit - Rich Text object for editing formatted text in Memo (Ver.

At some stage DataEase development went "stale".

We have seen the same happen to a lot of other companies, and recently to Nokia. They lose their way, and desperately start clinging to the past or go "retro".

When I first started working on DataEase de...


New Function 8 - PrintHTML() - Use DataEase Webfield functionality to print a file as HTML (Ver.

So why do we add a function like this. Is it DataEase job to print a text/html document?

Yes, it is now!

In DataEase 8 you can generate a Text/HTML document in several ways. For redundancy and flexibility we "replicate" functionality in two difference s...


New Function in 8 - PrintMemo() - Prints the content of a Memo via our WebField object (Ver.

DataEase for Windows printing is concat("CR","AP).

How could a product that was the master of exporting, listing, printing go so completely astray?

As interesting as the answer to that question might be, the answer to the next would be even more intere...


New Functionality in 8 - Advanced WebFields - This is the webfield for plugins, Ajax, Java etc (Ver.

The normal WebField has been with us for several months by now, but we are still learning.

The "normal" WebField is built directly on top of a Memo field. This is very effective, but it has its limitations.

A "normal" WebPage is referenced to its file...


New Function in 8 - MemoLength() - Returns the length of a Memo in characters (Ver.

Just a simple little function that might be very nice when you start manipulating your Memos.

Forget all the negative stuff you have heard about Memos. They are the greatest thing happening to DataEase since Subforms.

They had a rough start, but that wa...


New Function in 8 - FormRefresh() - Refresh form so all active objects are displayed correctly... (Ver.

This is obviously an unnecessary function but we have created it anyway...;-)

DataEase 7.x or aka. the "Flasher from Romford", was flashing and blinking like mad. Every time you moved from one field to the next, it looked like it was going to have a fit....


New Function in 8 - GetCurrent() - Returns some long awaited values like AppPath, DePath and MyDoc (Ver.

DataEae has been a little "wobbly" on referencing external stuff like Images etc.

There is an Imagepath in Application Preferences, but it has been rendered "defunct" so many times over the years, and nobody is really sure how it works anyway, so the onl...


New Function in 8 - UniqueID() - Returns a "Random" Unique ID as Key for a Record (Ver

One of the most popular and frustrating functions or should we rather say functionalities in DataEase is "Sequence from".

Basically this is a "guaranteed" sequence number, and it is great when you need records to be in sequence and have a unique number....


New Function in 8 - MemoDecodePair() - Function to return the value from a encoded pair in Memo (Ver.

This might be "greek" for the ones of you that hasn't followed us through the new MemoClass/WebField class project, but for those that have, this will be the last clue to the riddle.

Over the last couple of months, you have been able to see Memo transfer...


DataEase 8 is almost here....

Dear All. We are today introducing our DataEase Blog in anticipation of the upcomming DataEase 8 Release, followed by LegEasy DOS early next year and finally DG3 Web Framework in the middle of next Year.

We have kept a low profile over the last year, whe...


New Function in 8 - CHR() returns ASCII value for number. Long in comming.... (Ver

We continue to extend the function library in 8, and one functions that has been missing for "ever", has been CHR.

It might be a programmers function, but after we introduced the new exciting Memo manipulation class the lack of this function become even...


Re:DataEase 8 is almost here....

Dear All

I have the pleasure and honour to be already using DataEase v8. It has a range of new features, improved interface.....but above all it works! I do beleive that this is the version us DataEasers have long been waiting for.

Many thanks for a...


Re:New Function in 8 - UniqueID() - Returns a "Random" Unique ID as Key for a Record (Ver

Am I right in stating that this function replaces the Set/Get Uneek CDF?

And is it right to assume that this unique id can be used to retreive records etc?



Re:Re:New Function in 8 - UniqueID() - Returns a "Random" Unique ID as Key for a Record (Ver

Hi! This is simply a function that genearte a "guaranteed" unique ID that one can use as one please, but the short answer to the question is...


In PRISM 9, and ID like this will be an integral part of the database design, but till then you will nee...


New Function in 8 - WriteToFile() - Write/Append a string(256) to a file. (Ver.

This function is part of a triumvirate, where the other functions are MemoWriteToFile() and MemoReadFromFile().

This function is complimentary, as it will write the content of a "normal" DataEase field or function to a Text file. Ex. WriteToFile...


New Function in 8 - SetFocus() - Move the cursor/focus to any Field/Button (Ver.

When the SetValue() function is implemented in a couple of days, the Keystroke CDF lovers will get competition.

To be able to direct the next action/input from the result of a previous have been a wished for functionality in DataEase "for ever", but for...


Re:New Function in 8 - SetFocus() - Move the cursor/focus to any Field/Button (Ver.

I know that we can already set any Tab order we want. I use this to fill in a form. I have tricked it a little so that it can follow different paths through my form depending on the starting point, but what I am struggling with is to "point" on the right...


Re:New Function in 8 - CHR() returns ASCII value for number. Long in comming.... (Ver

To be honest, there is two things I have been struggling with finding (I just thought it was down to me being stupid and bad documentation), and that is how to insert extended character and how to get "" around texts.

I am glad that it wasn't me being s...


Re:New Functionality in 8 - Advanced WebFields - This is the webfield for plugins, Ajax, Java etc (Ver.

Woaw! This means that we can now create advanced web forms in DataEase for Windows?...


New Functions in 8 - SetVar()+GetVar() - Time to take control!

As part of the DataEase for Windows restoration project we have come to a big omission in DataEase - Global Variables or transfer of information between processes if you like.

It amazes us how many wishes, needs and wants from almost every user,...


New Function in 8 - DatePicker() - Function to pick a date from a calendar

We are currently on the final stretch of DataEase 8 new functionality. One function that a lot of you have been wanting is a date picker.

In a moment...


New Function 8 - SetState() - Change the state of a field/button Hide,Show,Enabled,Disabled (Ver.

In 8 we have decided to put the Easy back into DataEase. It is no secret that things have been a little awkward in DFW, and even though the "old dogs" seem to be able to find their way around, new users are left as question marks.

We are not making it a...


Re:New Function in 8 - MemoCopy() - Copies, Appends, or inserts a field into a Memo (Ver.

Slight error in the spec:

0=Append 1=Owerwrite 2=Delete 3=Insert at beginning.



Re:Re:DataEase 8 is almost here....

Hi Josef I 100% agree with you. What a nice experience it has been to try out version 8.0 - till now just for one day. I abandoned Dataease after using the last DFD version for my applications. When DFW took over I gave up. But I am now back on "the band...


New Function in 8 - SetColor() - Change the Fill, Border and Font of Fields/Buttons (Ver.

This is the last function in the triumvirate, SetFocus()- SetState() and SetColor().

With this last function you will now be able to set the focus/cursor on a Field/Button, hide/show, enable/disable and finally change the appearance from a derivation or...


New Function(s) in 8 - SetVar()/GetVarl() - Internal function from (Ver

SetVar() and GetGlobal() is fully implemented in DataEase 8 from version build 1172.

Format: SetVar("Variablename","Value") where both parameters are string. Returns Empty String.

Format: GetVar("Variablename") where parameter is string. Re...


New Functionality in 8 - Email added to Default template (Ver

DataEase 8 is not only about functions, but even more about functionality. The biggest problem with previous DataEase for Windows versions is not that they didn't have enough functionality but the fact that nobody took their time to show how they could be...


New Function in 8 - ToText() - Converts any DataEase field/function value to Text (Ver

A lot of our seasoned developers know that what you see is not always what you get.

Internally DataEase converts values freely between formats, but not always. Especially when you use functions and allocated fields directly you might get peculiar result...


New Functionaliy in 8 - Changed and Updated RT Editor - (Ver.

One of the things we really wanted to add to 8 was a RichText editor for editing documents, web content or simply add some "flavour" to your applications.

Up to 8, DataEase data have only been able to be presented in one font, colour, size etc. You coul...


New Function(s) in 8 - SetVar() and GetVar(), set and read named global variables (Ver

These two functions have been partly implemented for a while, but due to structural changes in PRISM we had to disable them in release. These changes have now been made and they are free to use.

It is more than 30 years since DataEase 1.0 was rel...


New Function in 8 - SetValue() - Setting a value in any field from a button or another field (Ver.

The new Set functionality have now come full circle with SetValue().

Traditionally DataEase functions have been limited to being just that...functions i.e. something that do a job and return the result.

In DataEase 6.x we introduced a scr...


Re:New Function in 8 - ToText() - Converts any DataEase field/function value to Text (Ver

Can I have serial # for Dataease 8 Trial Ver. please



Re:Re:New Function in 8 - ToText() - Converts any DataEase field/function value to Text (Ver

Sorry, there is no trial serial for DataEase 8 at the moment.



Requirement version 8

good afternoon

I am currently developing an application in version 7.2 but really I want to spend as version 8. with locks shareware and not returned to me, nor let the 7.2 versions'm urged to try and continue with development. The cost Me 10...


New Function in 8 - DatePicker() - Use Windows DatePicker to select a date for a date field (Ver.

No rest for the wicked. Our team of developers consists of Russians, Norwegians, Egyptians and British individuals. It turns out that when the rest of the world fight race and religious wars, we in the engineering and technical businesses only reap the...


New Function in 8 - MemoStringTo() - Copy from start of memo up to search string. (Ver

We have soon come full circle with our new Memo and String manipulation functions but there is a few left on the list.

Today we have finalised MemoStringTo() which will be complemented by MemoStringFrom() and...


Hint - Copying content from Virtual fiels...

If you are like me, you get really annoyed when you can't copy text. Not only annoyed, I get astounded and think..."What have they been thinking!" I have completely lost the ability of remembering anything from phone numbers, to car registrations and d...


New Function in 8 - StringTo() - Return the content of a string from start up to Search (Ver.

This is the string version of MemoStringTo() and the complimentary functions are MemoStringFrom() and MemoStringBetween().

All Memo functions manipulate another field when all String functions return a string directly from the function...


Catalogue Help Revamped!

With 7.0 the catalogue help arrived and as so much of the stuff that arrived with 7.0, it wasn't finished or thoroughly thought through so it ended up just being annoying.

In 7.2 we used it as a Read Me file where all the changes and updates was...


New Function in 8 - StringFrom() - Search a string from the tail and return it. (Ver

This useful little function is part of a full set including StringTo() and StringBetween().

StringFrom() search the input string from the tail end inwards looking for the search string. When it finds it, it returns the tail of the string up to t...


New Function in 8 - StringBetween() - Cut out the string between to search values. (Ver.

This function is the last of a triumvirate consisting of StringTo(), StringFrom() and now StringBetween().

Between them they will be able to chop up any string exactly like you want it.

StringBetween is like and XOR of the two other on...


New Function in 8 - MemoStringFrom() - Copy the tail end of a Memo to a Target Memo (Ver.

This is the second of a triumvirate of Memo functions that directly correspond to the String(ToFromBetween) functions.

MemoStringTo() Copies the content of a memo from the beginning up to SEARCH into a target Memo, and MemoStringFrom() copies th...


Support DataEase 8 - How to improve Web Performance in Web Object from IE7 to IE9 (Or IE10 on Windows 8)

We get some feedback from our DataEase 8 "test pilots" that the Web Object in DataEase 8 doesn't handle things exactly as they want.

In DataEase 8 we use the internal IE object for all Web Representation. This object is a little "tricky" to put it mildly...


DataEase 8 Beauty - StingToFromBetween at work.

Everything is easy when you have your own team of developers and can just tell them which functions you want them to make. I happen to have that, so to me everything is easy....not so!

Every time we make a new function we always evaluate if this...


DataEase 8 New Function - MemoStringBetween() - Copies the outer between from a Memo to another Memo (Ver.

Six man all! As we said in the army.

The last of the Memo(String(To,From,Between)) functions are now finalised. 

You can now decompile any String or Memo in minute and exact detail. 

MemoStringBetween() copies the...


IMPORTANT UPDATE of 8 - Fix of corrupted Tab Control that causes GPF (Ver.

We have been aware for a while that tab controls migrated from 7.x have a tendency to cause GPF when opening a form in 8. 

Tab Controls was introduced in 7.x and the implementation work was not of high quality the same as so much of the oth...


Re:IMPORTANT UPDATE of 8 - Fix of corrupted Tab Control that causes GPF (Ver.

please send serial number DataEase 8



DataEase 8 Update - Automatic set-up of optimum Browser Object (Ver.

We have now implemented a fix that will automatically enable the internal IE object for optimum performance. The default of IE as an internal browser object is IE 7. 

We have produced a How To on how to change this is previous versions of D...


DataEase 8 Update - Rapid increase in sub-version numbers.

We are currently working in parallel with DataEase 8 PRE II (Current release) and DataEase 8 PRE I (Next Release). DataEase 8 PRE I is a major update to the GUI and how DataEase is presented to the user, where windows will be tabbed, where you can disp...


DataEase 8 Update - Negative Side Effect of Speed up Project fixed.... (Ver.

Now and again we get reminded that DataEase 8 is a big development project in its own right. We are operating on a live patient here, and that is always "exciting".

One of the goals for DataEase 8 Development is to make the product "smooth", "sl...


DataEase 8 Solution/Example - Browse for image and set image field for preview.

We will soon launch our solution database, but nothing wrong with a "preview" of what it is all about.

A customer had problems with attaching images to a customer profile in 8 so we just made this solution to help the situation.

It is rat...


DataEase 8 Default Template - Document Editor with Mail Merging and Formatted Printing (Ver.

The Default Template in DataEase 8 Pre-Release has been updated with a small example that show how you can build documents with Memo functions, Merge in field information, edit the document in WYSIWYG editor and finally print document properly formatte...


DataEase 8 - Hidden Secret - How to change Caption!

As the documentation efforts move forward "all will become clear", but we will still prefer to drop some hints, tips and tricks your way as we go along. Today we had a question about Renaming of DataEase 8 applications.

Renaming the application its...


DataEase 8 - Forward Talk! ExecDQL(), MemoExecDQL() & FileExecDQL()

In DataEase 8 we try to break stuff down into simple functions so you can use it as LEGO bricks and make whatever you like. Simple but powerful. When developing DG3 we looked at DFW, DataEase 7 and WebPublsiher as standards of how "not" to do things. I...


DataEase 8 - Important Fix - Layout/Output/Orientation/WYSIWYG - Reports/DQL/Print (Ver.

There has been a "nasty" bug in DataEase 8 when calling a procedure/report from a script/DQL/Button where the Print Settings has been ignored and the output is done to default settings.

The problem was old and go back to the "beginning" of DataE...


DataEase 8 - Current Work Update!!

You might feel that it has been a little silent and not much have happened on the website lately, and you are right, but it is not due to us not being working.

As you might be aware of we are still in heavy development and DataEase 8 is only in...


Re:DataEase 8 - Current Work Update!!

MemoSetGlobal() and MemoGetGlobal()

With the new Memo functionality we also need to be able to "throw" Memos about, so a new global array for Memo's is also on the current work list.

Memos can't be a return value in PRISM so it...


DataEase 8 - New Functionality - Mouse Wheel now works in Forms/Reports (Ver.

The work to make DataEase for Windows a "contemporary" product continues. One of the latest updates is that you will now be able to use the Mouse Wheel to scroll up and down in DataEase forms.

We will also add this to Memo fields.



DataEase 8 - Change of functionality: Default in editors/fields is now Insert instead of Overwrite (Ver.

Overwrite was chosen in DataEase for Windows together with a lot of keyboard short-cuts to keep DFW compatible with DFD. In 2013 I think we can safely say that that should not be the reason for anything.

The short-cuts have been changed over the...


DataEase 8 - Memo Update. Scrolling with Mouse wheel in Memo fields (Ver

We have no further updated Memo field so you will be able to scroll the content of a memo field with the Mouse Wheel.

The rules are now as follows. (when field have focus)

1. Memo and Multi-line fields. Scrolling content of field. Form st...


DataEase 8 - Button Actions/Executing Multiple Actions/Scripts (Ver.

A lot of users "under use" their DataEase for Windows, and it will be part of our goal over the next months to try to get our users to get more out of their DataEase.

The "under use" is a lot down to missing or bad documentation (we will work ha...


DataEase 8 - Best Practice Dynamic Document Generation/Editing ExecDQL/Memo/SetVclass (Ver

I have been playing around a little with DataEase 8 and generated a simple sample on how to generate documents for further editing by combining the new function classes in DataEase 8.

I hope and think that this will show that the time of generating Wo...


DataEase 8 - Small Sample to show off SetState(),SetFocus(),SetColor(),SetLabelText() (Ver.

This is just a small sample to show off SetState() -  Hiding/showing/disabling/enabling of fields/buttons and other GUI objects, SetFocus() - set focus on any field or button etc that you want to have the...


New Function in 8 - SetLabelText() - Set a label directly from programming (Ver

SetLabelText() is a function that will allow you to change a label from anywhere in DataEase 8. You can use it from ExecDQL, in a field derivation or from a button. 

Like all new Set functions it works on the Form context so you will use th...


New Function in 8 - SetMemoValue() - GUI function that push a value into a Memo (Ver.

Sorry folks. Too much to do and too little time to do it so this blog entry is a little delayed...

This is the complementary function to SetValue() for normal fields and again the complementary function for the PRISM function...


New function in 8 - MemoMemoReplace() - Replace a tag with the content of a Memo (Ver

This is the complementary function of MemoReplace() which replace a tag in a Memo with the content of a string(255) or any other "normal" prism field/value.

The exciting bit about MemoMemoReplace() is that you can replace any tag with...


New Functions in 8 - MemoSetGlobal()+MemoGetGlobal() - Global array of memo values (

We have now reached 19 Memo specific functions...puh!

Memo has come to it's own in 8 and it is a little funny as they were so reviled in 7.


We and our 8 users have now used the different memo functions for...


New functionality in 8 - PlaceHolder - label the inside of the field (Ver.

Download Sample

DataEase 8 is storming forward and it is no secret that we are getting our inspiration more from the Web and Mobile devices than where DataEase for WI...


Re:New functionality in 8 - PlaceHolder - label the inside of the field (Ver.

Placeholder functionality Improved.

All placeholders will now be left aligned instead of following the default formatting for field type. Placeholders are information i.e. text and shoujld not be formatted as date or numbers etc.

We have...


New Small Sample - Self populating Dropdowns, Dynamic labels and messages (Ver

Download Sample

This small Sample is just a study as part of our new Sample App that will be a fully working CRM/Order/Invoicing system.

8 is a...


Go to next page....

Published: 22/02/15 - 14:00:00 (Amanda Higgins)

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