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New Function in 8 - MemoStringFrom() - Copy the tail end of a Memo to a Target Memo (Ver.

Started by DataEase
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New Function in 8 - MemoStringFrom() - Copy the tail end of a Memo to a Target Memo (Ver.

This is the second of a triumvirate of Memo functions that directly correspond to the String(ToFromBetween) functions.

MemoStringTo() Copies the content of a memo from the beginning up to SEARCH into a target Memo, and MemoStringFrom() copies the same from the right end. I.e. it search from right to left till it finds SEARCH and then copied everything up to that from the end into a Target memo.

Lets say that everything up to here, but not including this sentence is the Memo I want to copy from and it is called FromMemo

MemoStringFrom(ToMemo,FromMemo,"SEARCH") will copy the following into the target memo.

"and then copied everything up to that from the end into a Target memo."

As you can tell there is 2 SEARCH in the text and it picks the one closes to the TAIL.

Written by DataEase 17/01/13 at 17:34:28 Dataease [{8}]FIVE