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Lock data tables or DQL

Started by diego fernando Ocampo
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Lock data tables or DQL

good Night

I'm using DataEase 7.2 and Opportunistic setup I have, I'm running a DQL procedure and I need to block a table while a data update and then unlocking to continue with the procedure and another user do the same.

The code is as follows

lock File DOCUMENTOS exclusive .

Global factura := Any DOCUMENTOS with (ID = "TRS" ) CONSECUTIVO .

message factura Window .

modify records in DOCUMENTOS

with (ID = "TRS" )


unlock File DOCUMENTOS .

But when running it is not doing the job expected two users are entering the same code which is doing the blocking, if I can help I thank you

Written by diego fernando Ocampo 01/10/13 at 00:04:39 DataEase for Windows 7.x