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Reorganize documents & DQL

Started by Marco Marchesi
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Reorganize documents & DQL

There's a way to reorganize all the documents of a database in version 8 ?

I only find the possibility to reorganize all the tables but not ALL the documents. 

I need to check and save all the DQL in My database.

Written by Marco Marchesi 06/03/14 at 15:40:31 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Reorganize documents

Reorganzation is a Data feature and what is does is simply to compact the DBM files by removing deleted records. It also check the number of records in the DBM and update the RDRR file with the correct number of records.

When one get the error message: Table this and that is inconsistent. it simply mean that the number of records stored in the RDRR is not consistent with the actual number of records in the DBM file.

DQL's are documents and there is no function in DE to recompile all documents.

Written by DataEase Tech Sup 10/03/14 at 09:38:12 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Reorganize documents

The problem is due to a migration form 6.52 version. The reorganization of the documents is the last step of the DEMigrate program. I mean , when I migrate the database, not all the steps are performed due to an error (I have not be able to solve it, even I have checked, reorganized  and save again the table/form in errror with 6.52 version).  So I reorganize manually all the tables (last but one step of demigrate)  but not the documents (last step of demigrate). The result is that now I have to check all my documents/DQL/OML in order to work properly. I'm simply trying to repeat manually the last step of demigrate.

Written by Marco Marchesi 11/03/14 at 15:15:10 Dataease [{8}]FIVE