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Problems during checks on import

Started by Marco Marchesi
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Problems during checks on import

I need to check the completion of some imports inside a DQL as follow:

-- Imports Gruppi e Ruoli
delete records in MimkAnagGruppi .
if count of MimkAnagGruppi > 0 then message "Tabella in uso. Operazione Interrotta !" window . exit . end .
delete records in TaakAnagGruppi .
if count of TaakAnagGruppi > 0 then message "Tabella in uso. Operazione Interrotta !" window . exit . end .
import "Gruppi" .
delete records in MimjAnagRuoli .
if count of MimjAnagRuoli > 0 then message "Tabella in uso. Operazione Interrotta !" window . exit . end .
delete records in TaajAnagRuoli .
if count of TaajAnagRuoli > 0 then message "Tabella in uso. Operazione Interrotta !" window . exit . end .
import "Ruoli" .
if count of MimkAnagGruppi = 0 then message "Table Gruppi (MimkAnagGruppi) not loaded in DE!" window . exit. end .
if count of MimjAnagRuoli = 0 then message "Table Ruoli(MimjAnagRuoli) not loaded in DE!" window . exit. end .


The procedure return to me always  "Tabella Gruppi (MimkAnagGruppi) not loaded in DE!" even if it has been loaded correctly. 

If I run the marked istructions in a separate DQL all is done correctly. Why ?

Written by Marco Marchesi 29/05/14 at 10:30:03 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Problems during checks on import

All DQLs in DataEase keep a "logical" lock on the scope of that DQL.

You should never do a delete records in the same procedure as you are doing processing. It might work, but most of the time it doesn't.

Run a DQL to do all the deleting and then another that do the processing.

This is a fundamental "process" in DataEase and even though ideally it would be nice if it was different, this is one of the things that is best avoided.

Written by DataEase 11/06/14 at 11:30:51 Dataease [{8}]FIVE