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DataEase Separate Install for Each Version

Started by Jeyarajah Arulrajah
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DataEase Separate Install for Each Version

One thing I was thinking about, as a developer managing many clients. Some already using DataEaseFull- in production.
When I install DataEaseFull- on the same computer, it overwrites the previous.

It would be nice to have an option to overwrite or install as a separate version. This way, I can have both versions running on the same computer.
Managing different applications for different clients.

Is this something possible with 8.2?

If not, at least I would recommend having this feature in 8.5.

Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 25/06/15 at 01:19:04 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:DataEase Separate Install for Each Version

You can do this already, simply copy the installed DataEase to a different catalogue then the installed one. It will still work.

Very few people have the same challenge as you I am afraid, so I think we will keep it as it is. If we started to take "orders" on our development priorities I am afraid we would end up in very much the Wwrong place.

Written by DataEase 25/06/15 at 10:54:11 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:DataEase Separate Install for Each Version

Thank you for showing this technique. I thought DE8 register information into Windows registry. So, I never tried copying into a different folder. 
I will try this, and this is enough for now.

Written by Jeyarajah Arulrajah 25/06/15 at 12:53:54 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:DataEase Separate Install for Each Version

It does register some information in the registry but is is insignificant. You will see that the copied version and the installed version is sharing the same DataEase.ini etc. I think it only use the Registry to make itself interesting as it seriously don't need it and it would be much better if it didn't. (Old 7.x stuff).

Written by DataEase 26/06/15 at 09:28:04 Dataease [{8}]FIVE