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Users can still go to Catalogue in DE8.5 even though I set a low user level.

Started by Daleen
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Users can still go to Catalogue in DE8.5 even though I set a low user level.

Im struggling with user access. When I give a user low rights , and access to a specific menu , they can still view the catalog. Can you please help?



Written by Daleen 07/07/15 at 12:58:04 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Users can still go to Catalogue in DE8.5 even though I set a low user level.

Hi Daleen.

That is because you run Developer. Developer can always access the catalogue.

It was a "hack" in previous versions of Windows that if you had a startup document in FULL you would not get access to developer/catalogue etc.

This was done because people was too lazy to set up their user profiles properly and because people used

 Full in runtime.

You can still use full in runtime you just need to un-tag show catalog in Application Preferences.

And also remove Toggle Catalog from your File Menu.

DataEase is moving quickly in the direction where the developer environment will be better for developers and the runtime environment will be better for user. The muddling up of these two has made the user experience poorer and equally the developer environment poorer.

It might be a little more work and our friend Arul would maybe call it less “DataEasy” but there we just have to agree to disagree (with him).

The user should never have to think that they use DataEase, just the application and the developer should have the full power of his environment to make the best application as possible.

It is anyhow best practice to

  “trim” the user menu to only include the choices which are relevant for the user, and to steer control the user through the application.
Obviously you will not have any of the “challenges” you are currently struggling with if you use GROUP to run the application in with the users.

Written by DataEase 07/07/15 at 13:00:08 Dataease [{8}]FIVE