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Setstate + CheckBox Field

Started by afonso santos
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Setstate + CheckBox Field

Hi again,

I'm trying to control a CheckBox field ( Yes/No ) named 'Field10',  which  I want Enable / disable depending  of another  field ( named 'field1' ) in the same form.

Below find a copy of statement defined in a virtual field 'Manip' :

If ( field1 not = blank, Setstate ("field10", "Enabled") , Setstate ("field10", "Disabled"))

Unfortunately, it don't work.

What's wrong with this statement ?



Written by afonso santos 28/01/16 at 00:12:16 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Setstate CheckBox Field

Hi Afonso.
No it is not you, it is us ;-)

Enable/Disable only enable/disable if a field is editable or not at the moment. Buttons does not work and Checkboxes and dropdownds work as a combination of Buttons and Editfields and hence get a mixed "message".

If you use a Dropdown you will see that you can't type in it but you can select via the dropdown.

This is on our pre-release fix list so will be fixed shortly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Written by DataEase 28/01/16 at 07:01:51 Dataease [{8}]FIVE