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Routine in the same DQL

Started by Marco Marchesi
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Routine in the same DQL

Hi Dataease, there's a way to insert a "subroutine" in the same DQL without creating a second DQL for this. I need simply call a subroutine many times inside the same DQL avoiding to use "Run procedure XXXXX" several times. Thanks. 

Written by Marco Marchesi 23/11/16 at 09:14:58 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Routine in the same DQL


It is called ExecDQL and you can execute it directly or you can save it in a table and look it up.

retval := ExecDQL("delete records in MyTable with RecordID=data-entry field1 .",MyIdField) .

retval := MemoExecDQL(any DqlStore with DQLID=003 DQL,MyFieldID etc ...

Thinking of DQL as static documents is long gone in DataEase 8. DQL is dynamic and you can even generate it in a DQL and then execute it on the fly.

Written by DataEase 23/11/16 at 15:59:42 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Routine in the same DQL

Thanks. I already know ExecDql and MemoExecDQL function, but my question is if I can create a subroutine inside the same DQL and execute it several times. Please look at your example below :

define "numero" number .
define "risultato" number .
assign numero := 10 .

/* This procedure takes a number and returns its square */

procedure Number SqByVal(Number x)

return x*x .


assign Risultato := SqByVal(Numero) .
message risultato window .

The goal is execute the "procedure takes a number and return its square" many times for different number avoiding to execute it via "EXECDQL" ,"Memoexecdql" , run procedure etc..

For example in my subroutine there is a simply procedure that write a record on a table using the global variable passed by the main procedure. Here the DQL:

define global "Carrier" text 25 .
define global "Part" text 2 .
define global "tipology" text 20 .
define global "Field" text 120 .
define global "Rule" text 10 .
define global "Rule_Description" text 80 .
define global "Bond_Id" text 85 .

enter a record in TBEZBondExposureSII_DataQuality
Carrier := global Carrier ;
FldName := global Field ;
FldType := any TBEZDataQualityField FldType ;
FldLength := any TBEZDataQualityField FldLength ;
Rule := global Rule ;
Rule_Description := global Rule_Description ;
Part := global Part ;
Tipology := global Tipology ;
Bond id := global Bond_Id .

I want to execute it inside the same DQL.


Written by Marco Marchesi 24/11/16 at 08:00:11 Dataease [{8}]FIVE