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I am currently running DataEase 5.62. Will I need anything more than DataEase 8.5, to migrate my data into DataEase 8.5?

Started by Kelion Kopp
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I am currently running DataEase 5.62. Will I need anything more than DataEase 8.5, to migrate my data into DataEase 8.5?

Written by Kelion Kopp 27/11/16 at 14:59:52

Re:I am currently running DataEase 5.62. Will I need anything more than DataEase 8.5, to migrate my data into DataEase 8.5?


You only need to open the application in DE85 and it will automatically detect that it is a DE 6.x application.

If the application has been developed on a windows that use , as decimal separator you should do back on the initial menu and select this as the decimal separator for your application (programming). DataEase pre 8.x used the national decimal separator (the one in selected in Windows) in programming which causes a lot of problem if the application travels across borders. In 7.2 this was changed so . is always the decimal separator in programming in DataEase.

You also might want to set the date format manually as in old versions (originating in versions older than 6.52) there might be problem with the date format set for the application.

Other than that, you should be able to do a quick migrate.

DE85 is not DE6 etc. so when most things will be quicker and sleeker some routines might actually be slower. This is due to recursive programming which were not nested all the way in 6.x and before and will hence need reworking in 8 to optimise for speed.

Written by DataEase 28/11/16 at 12:59:26 Dataease [{8}]FIVE