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Webfield and Advanced Web field etc. How do I use it?

Started by Arvid
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Webfield and Advanced Web field etc. How do I use it?

I need to display a web site in my DE85 form, and I want to manipulate it via the URL.

How do I do this?

Secondly what is the difference between WebField (text) WebField(Memo) and WebField(Memo) Advanced?

Written by Arvid 11/01/17 at 09:21:37 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Webfield and Advanced Web field etc. How do I use it?

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It is very straight forward. 


The value/derivation of the Text field is the URL ex. concat("",PostCode ) will show the place type into the field PostCode in Google Maps.

You can make any derivation you like and the URL can be 2K long.


Here the content of the Memo IS the HTML so the webfield is the "webserver". We use WebField(Memo) to show the result of MemoExecDQL() when we generate dynamic HTML and it is also a brilliant "tester" for HTML.

In Standard WebField(Memo) the WebObject is populated directly from the Memo so there are no reference inside the HTML. This is blitzingly fast and a brilliant way to use it as a RT format etc.

HOWEVER! Due to security scripts and other resources can only be loaded into a WebObject if it has a physical origin i.e. it has to be web page served from a disk or from a website, so if you try to use Javascript libraries or link in fonts it will not work, and this is why we have advanced web fields.

WebField(Memo)- Advanced

These are exactly the same as WebField(Memo) with the very important difference that when you execute them they save the HTML to a Temporary file andthe WebObject load this file rather than directly from the App. This is slower than WebField(Memo) but it give you the very important benefit of having a physical reference to the HTML and hence you can load anythinng you like into the WebObject (security settings on Computer provided).

ONLY USE WebField Advanced when you need this feature.

The sample above simply show you how you can use a Webfield to search on Google Maps, you can of course use the same method to browse and lookup anything on any website based on the data/derivation of your WebField. 

Written by DataEase 11/01/17 at 11:03:04 Dataease [{8}]FIVE