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Trying to restore

Started by Roberto Lopez
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Trying to restore

Often I have been creating Backup whith the command "Backup DB" and each time the message is that the backup have not errors. So I have been in confidence and I have been beliving that if I make a mistake I can restore my aplication. Today after a not big mistake a tryed to practice the "restore db" and (after a new backup) at the moment to try to restore the aplication some messages appear and now I can open any more my original aplication.

Written by Roberto Lopez 28/04/17 at 20:34:32 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Trying to restore

Dear Mr. Lopez

DataEase Backup/Restore is an obsolete feature that was "removed" in 8.0

As this is obsolete we don't test it when we make new versions and there is a problem in 8.5 with restoring the backup due to changes in the format.

We are looking into it as we obviously don’t want people to not be able to restore an old backup.

But you should not use this feature any further.

Simply use the zip down in windows catalogue or the internal zip feature in DE85.

From next version Backup will be disabled but you will still be able to use Restore for one more version.

@Unzip Nothing/
Unzip a compressed file to a directory. If the catalog is not exists, it will be created.
- Zip file
- Path to unzip to

Zip formats supported are zip. 7z, gzip, bzip2, rar, arj, tar, iso, cab, lzma, lzma86 and more. We supports all format the 7z decompressor supports.
Directory will only be created if parent directory exists.
@Zip Nothing/
Zip a directory and sub directory to a file.
- Directory to zip
- Zip file name path

Zip formats supported for zipping is .zip, .7z, .bz2, .gz, .tar, .swm, .txz and more. We supports all the formats the 7z compressor supports and recognizes as file endings.


Another precaution is that you should never restore to the application you took backup from without having taken a copy of it as you will ruin this application as well if your backup is corrupt.

Written by DataEase 28/04/17 at 20:36:01 Dataease [{8}]FIVE