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Export to 'variable' + filename in DE7.2

Started by Neil Barnes
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Export to 'variable' + filename in DE7.2

Can anyone help in showing me how I can change the export filename in DQL script?

For example >

A procedure may need to output a file reflecting the procedure information such as date or text and someone has to find it later.


define temp "FName" text .

assign FNAME := "File1" .

...script here....


assign FNAME := jointext ("c:\folder\",FNAME")

assign FNAME := jointext (FNAME,".csv")

export to FName . 

.item ...etc...

Doesn't work for temporary or global variables but it will work for 

export to "c;\folder\FNAME.csv" .

Is there anyway manipulate the file name to reflect the variable text ?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Written by Neil Barnes 02/08/17 at 14:02:26

Re:Export to 'variable' filename in DE7.2

Download 7.2 Sample

HI Neil.

You have sent us on a time journey. 

The fact that the worlds best "exporting" product (DFD) could not export properly if its life depended on it was one of the first things we addressed and which led to ExecDQL in 8.x

There is obviously an awkward workaround for this in DFW 7.2 (and previous versions) but the fact that you can't get it to work and most people don't even know about it kind of makes the point.

How to export to variable file name

We have included a sample that works and show you how to do it in 7.2.

as part of the sample we have taken the liberty of including a little ExecDQL code in labels in the Data-entry form to show you how much more elegant this can be solved in 8.5.

You can download the lastest 8.5 here:
And you can use the trial key here:  D85-TRIAL30DE85-38347

Just try to migrate the sample and compare the different methods.

By making your sample we realised the big journey that DataEase has undergone since 7.2.

Obviously more than 2000 major changed and additions to the product does make a difference...

PS! No username/password for sample just hit enter

Written by DataEase 03/08/17 at 12:43:36 DataEase for Windows 7.x

Re:Re:Export to 'variable' filename in DE7.2

Thanks for that.  The global method you described worked fine. I will try the 8.5 version and if work out Ok I will upgrade our application and test again and purchase it.

Thanks for the help.. 

Written by Neil Barnes 03/08/17 at 14:48:59 DataEase for Windows 7.x