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SetFocus() in subform, doesn't work?

Started by Josef
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SetFocus() in subform, doesn't work?

Does the SetFocus in a sub form work? I managed to get the SetValue but not the SetFocus.


Lost Focus Event of the Barcode Field

define "ACT" Text .

act := SetValue(concat ("QTY#", RowNo) , "1" ) .

ACT := SetFocus(concat("DiscountRate#", RowNo ) ) .

Written by Josef 14/08/17 at 12:49:43 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:SetFocus() in subform, doesn't work?

I remember something like this but that was ages ago.

What version is this in?

This problem was fixed quite a long time ago.

Is the barcode field a web field or anything like that?

SetFocus don?t work on WebFields as they don?t have individual focus as they can have many focuses etc.

Also remember that Field#n works on the entire form so if you have the same objectname in main form and each subform row 3 in subform 2 is 1+number of rows in subform 1 + the row number in subform 2 you want to focus.

So better to rename them (suddenly the alternative object name seems to be a good idea... he,he

Written by DataEase 14/08/17 at 12:51:07 Dataease [{8}]FIVE