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Run procedure based on current record view.

Started by Bolt-on-Trailers
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Run procedure based on current record view.

Hi all,

I was wondering what the best way might be to run a procedure that selects data from the record I am currently viewing and not based on data criteria. In other words while viewing a record I want to click a button that will output data to a .txt file from a field in the record I am currently looking at.

Is the setglobal /getglobal CDF the best way to do this? Just wondering what options I have.

Hope this makes sense..


Written by Bolt-on-Trailers 13/10/17 at 21:36:01 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Run procedure based on current record view.

The best way of doing this is to use ExecDQL either LabelExecDQL or MemoExecDQL

ExecDQL can output directly to a file and you have 4 direct arguments in the function that will represent data-entry field1 through field4 inside the DQL.

Alternatviely you can use GetVar()/SetVar() to transfer values to a oldstyle DQL.

If you use ExecDQL the DQL will be a property of the current document so you can even use GetValue() to pick the valued directly out of the form you execute the DQL from.

Written by DataEase 14/10/17 at 10:41:53 Dataease [{8}]FIVE