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menu bar desappear in player version

Started by Marco Marchesi
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menu bar desappear in player version

Download: DE85_menu bar.docx

Hi dataease,

in the version de85 player does not appear the menu bar instead in the de85 developer appear regularly. Why? We have trouble because the users cannot close the form/table when the table is a "table view" mode and cannot use the function presents in the menu bar. Please see the file attached for reference.  

Written by Marco Marchesi 17/11/17 at 10:04:59 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:menu bar desappear in player version

Player is configured to be a Application Player where the experience is for the user to run an application rather than DataEase.

This is why it by default is configured to hide Tab bar, Toolbar, File Menu and Status bar.

If there is a custom toolbar it will show that by default.

To switch them back on simply fire 

SetCurrent("Toolbar,"on)+SetCurrent("FileMenu","On")+SetCurrent("Tabbar","On") etc on startup of your application.*SetCurrent*

Written by DataEase 18/11/17 at 14:05:10 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:menu bar desappear in player version

OK thanks for the info.

However, I expected these settings (filemenu and Tabbar) to be set primarily at the configuration level (RDRR?AAA.INI)

in the "Interface" section where I already have settings for the Catalog, Toolbar and Status bar









In this way, I am forced to enter this setting on a form or procedure using SetCurrent function during the DB startup.

Can you also provide me a complete documentation of the parameters used in the RDRR?AAA.INI configuration file?

Thank you

Written by Marco Marchesi 21/11/17 at 09:41:57 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Re:menu bar desappear in player version

The settings in the RDRRxAAA.INI for this in 8.5 is for Developer Only. 

For player you configure the settings in the application.

It is much easier and give much better control to set this in the application rather than in a INI file.

As you see in our example above you can simply use GetCurrent("Player") to figure out if you are in developer or player and then set the correct toolbars/file menus etc as you please.

DataEase Developer and DataEase Player is not the same product and settings will not be the same for them. This will only be more radical in future versions.

INI files is DataEase Proprietary files and can be changed without notice hence there is no public documentation on features.

Written by DataEase 21/11/17 at 12:34:48 Dataease [{8}]FIVE