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Edit Opening Splash Screen

Started by Bolt-on-Trailers
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Edit Opening Splash Screen

Download: Splash.PNG

Hi All,

I was wondering how to simply edit the DateEase Opening Splash Screen. Is there a .ini file I need to edit? In the past it would automaticly add a new database selection to the list if I opened or created a new one. Now nothing changes on the database selection (See Attached) when I open the DataEase Splash Screen. Also it doesn’t save any of the parapeters if I change them in the Preferences.

Thanks again for all your help.

Written by Bolt-on-Trailers 21/05/19 at 16:20:43 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Edit Opening Splash Screen

To me it sounds like access rights.

In Windows 10 etc. you can't store INI files in program catalogue anymore. If you do they will automatically be moved to a virtualstore by Windows.

The answer to your question is multi faceted depending on which version of DataEase 8.5 you are using. (8.5 was the longest running version number in DataEase history).

In the latest version DATAEASE.INI which store these settings will be in 

%programdata%\DataEase\DataEase 8.5

Just copy the above into the addressfield on your explorer and you will automatically get there.

In DataEase.ini there will be a section called [STARTUP]




AppDir=d:\Documents\My DataEase





HelpLink =




and a section called [RECENT]


AppName1=GT Service 2013

AppPath1=D:\Documents\DG3Apps\GT Service\Data


AppPath2=D:\Documents\My DataEase\Andy\OMLProblem


AppPath3=D:\Documents\My DataEase\852Samples\BoltOn


AppPath4=D:\Documents\My DataEase\Bert\AutoLogout




AppPath6=D:\Documents\My DataEase\853Stuff\Default

I supect that this catalog is now write protected so you won't be able to store your changes.

You can try to edit it manually and see if you can store the changes then.

You can just give everyone all read/write/change rights on it .

Written by DataEase 23/05/19 at 12:08:22 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Edit Opening Splash Screen

Download: EmptyDEASE-INI.PNG

Thank you for your response. I agree part of the problem may be a permissions issue. I will contact our IT department about that. Upon opening the DATAEASE.INI file however it appears to be nearly empty. See the attached file. Maybe I just need to reinstall after resolving the permissions issue. Any other suggestions? 

Written by Bolt-on-Trailers 23/05/19 at 16:17:31 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Re:Edit Opening Splash Screen

This one seems very meager ;-)

I wonder what can have caused this.

If a minimum of entries are not found in DATAEASE.INI, DataEase will populate it automatically so this is weird.

You should find one in C:\program files(x86)\DataEase\DataEase 8.5 that you should be able to copy to your ProgramData catalogue.

It will be called dataease.template but you can copy it and rename it dataease.ini

Written by DataEase 23/05/19 at 16:58:54 Dataease [{8}]FIVE