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DataEase 8 New Function - MemoStringBetween() - Copies the outer between from a Memo to another Memo (Ver.

Started by DataEase
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DataEase 8 New Function - MemoStringBetween() - Copies the outer between from a Memo to another Memo (Ver.

Six man all! As we said in the army.

The last of the Memo(String(To,From,Between)) functions are now finalised. 

You can now decompile any String or Memo in minute and exact detail. 

MemoStringBetween() copies the content of a memo between the outer limitations of the search(s).

So for instance if you want to copy the content of the <body> tag in a HTML you simply do this.


This is obviously just an example, the test of it's actual usefulness we leave to you ;-)

Written by DataEase 22/01/13 at 13:56:17 Dataease [{8}]FIVE