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Opening specific form and auto fill

Started by Ilya
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Opening specific form and auto fill

1. How do I open a specific record in a new window from the main form. For-exampl a specific invoice from a list of invoices for a customer?

2. How to open a form in a new window to add a child record with certain fields pre-filled.

3. How to do some extra processing one saving a record and setting some fields of the record which are not visible on the form at the same time modifying info in another table. Also guaranteeing that the changes in two records are atomic?

Written by Ilya 10/07/13 at 11:06:38 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:Opening specific form and auto fill


Written by Graham Brown 17/07/13 at 09:36:09 Dataease [{8}]FIVE