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More on delete button to subform

Started by Gregor Popp
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More on delete button to subform

Hi all

Surjo that works really great(previous thread by Kingston) , I still have one more annoying item..

as we fill in the data of the subform tabbing across, the user inadvertently presses the delete button, the pause and question "do you want to delete" certainly helps. Its still annoying that the button is pressed as we use the tab or enter key to move from field to field.

I have tried using the Set Tab Order and not assigning a number to the delete button but that doesn't work.

Any more ideas out there????

Written by Gregor Popp 08/10/13 at 21:47:24 Dataease [{8}]FIVE

Re:More on delete button to subform

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We have just tested tab order in Sub forms and it works, but is the problem that it doesn't skip the Delete button altogether?

Tab order simply means that it will follow the allocated order until they have all been "tabbed" and then it will do the remainder in "normal" tab order until starting over from fresh. This is designed this way so no object will be left out "by mistake".

So the work around for this is to use an object that is not part of the tab order and put the "Action" on Clicked in OML.

In My sample I simply create my own button by using a Box and a Label. Then I put the action on clicked on the label (I can put it on clicked on the box too).

define "Retval" text .

retval := RecordDelete() .

You can of course put your entire Keystroke stuff her instead, this is just for illustration.

Written by DataEase 09/10/13 at 14:41:43 Dataease [{8}]FIVE