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Selection filter on Dataease 7.2 and 8

Started by Marco Marchesi
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Selection filter on Dataease 7.2 and 8

I'm an old user of DataEase (6.52) and i'm testing the new version (7.2 and 8). There's a difference using the "Select records" button, I mean when the filter doesn't report any records in 6.52 appear a message saying : No records match the selection filter, but nothing appear on the new version 7.2 and 8. Could you please tell me why? This message is very useful for us and my users. How can I make it appear?

Written by Marco Marchesi 07/11/13 at 15:31:00 DataEase for Windows 7.x

Re:Selection filter on Dataease 7.2 and 8

Hi Marco.

Error messages left right and centre has been reduced to a minium in DE8 (and late DE72).

You can however switch them back on for the forms where you want them.

Simply go to document properties ans check: Confirm Changes.

Written by DataEase 07/11/13 at 17:20:33 DataEase for Windows 7.x

Re:Re:Selection filter on Dataease 7.2 and 8

Great! It works now. But this option is unselected by default. I have a possibility to turn on this option for all the tables? During the DeMigrate from 6.52 version there's a possibility to turn on this option for all the tables? We have a database with almost 950 tables! Many thanks for your quick help.

Written by Marco Marchesi 08/11/13 at 07:19:37 DataEase for Windows 7.x