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CDF / Custom Designed Functions

Started by Dave Rolph
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CDF / Custom Designed Functions

Hi All

Its been a while since I did anything with DFW (6.5 was probably the last release) .

It looks like there is some interesting changes ahead and I will keep a close eye on things.

We are long time NetPlus Developers which uses the same CDF functionality ad DFW.

I have just found a problem with an old application that used a CDF developed by Simon Irwin back in the day !

The problem with the GETFILEN.DLL function is that it does not forget the previously selected file, so if you select one file and then a subsequent one the previous file will still be selected even if you cancel the second selection.

The big question is, does the new DataEase still use CDF's and if so is there a more up to date function I can use to select files using the standard windows file select dialogue ?

Thanks in advance


Written by Dave Rolph 29/11/13 at 11:49:11 LegEasy 6 Windows

Re:CDF / Custom Designed Functions

Hi Dave.

I see that nobody has replied to you and since that is very dis-heartening I will ;-)

Sadly I can't give you any good news. The GETFILEN.DLL that we use is the original one and it has the same "problem" as you describe.

We are moving away from CDFs altogether. We believe that if there is functionality we are going to spend time on developing and including in our product it should be internal and supported.

I guess CDFs was something DIL/Sapphire did to circumvent its own rigorous development dogma. Looking back there is only one new function in DataEase since Express and that is Concat() (which is basically just nested JointText() functions). Everything else "new" was CDFs.

This was never a good model because new users wouldn't know what to do, and when you created new applications you had to do a lot of initial work to get your application "configured". In DataEase 8 we have changed how you create new applications so you will get all the "supported" CDFs preloaded in new applications. Still, CDFs is not the functionality for a professional software house. If we think the product should be able to do something, we need to include it and support it.

It is a big problem for us now with the CDFs that we don't have the source code because they were never a part of the "approved" development, so we can't change them even if we wanted to, and a lot of the "approved" CDFs is even developed by real Customers and partners.

Written by DataEase 06/12/13 at 18:00:27 LegEasy 6 Windows

Re:Re:CDF / Custom Designed Functions

Thank you Mr DataEase !

We have now written a utility to get us round the problem and this works well.

I am keeping a close eye on the movements at DataEase, sounds very promising !

Written by Dave Rolph 07/12/13 at 11:07:16 LegEasy 6 Windows